SIBUZ / School Psychologists
The SIBUZ (Schulpsychologische und Inklusionspädagogische Beratungs- und Unterstützungszentren) coordinate services that exist in each district of Berlin. For the John F. Kennedy School the responsible district and office are as follows:
Dessauer Straße 49 – 55
12249 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 90299 2572
Fax: (030) 90299 2602
Parenting and Family Advising
Child Social Services
- Neuhland
In case of a crisis we work closely with the trained professionals at Neuhland. As a family or individual you can also contact Neuhland directly by calling, or exploring their many offerings on their website.
Contact: Tel.: (030) 873-0111, Website
Further English Speaking Resources
- Linden Global Youth & Education Services OHG
Is an external service that supports schools and families in international settings. Their team includes Psychologists, Academic Coaches, Learning Support Specialists, and Consultants. For further information please visit their website or call them directly.
Contact: Jägerstraße 67, 10117 Berlin, Tel.: (030) 239-22067, Website
- Therapist in Berlin
This is a good resource to locate therapists, counselors, and social workers that offer multilingual services. To review the directory of available service providers please visit the link below.
Contact: Website