Piano Dedication Concert on Tuesday, June 23 at 19.00 in the large Aula

The music department would like to invite the JFKS community to a wonderful event. On Tuesday, June 23 at 19.00 in the large Aula, we will officially welcome our newly acquired Bösendorfer Grand Piano. This instrument is a fantastic addition to our Aula, to our music department and to JFKS. The evening´s program will feature JFKS students, teachers, alumni and parents and showcase the instrument in its solo and accompanying capacities.
The piano was purchased from Frau Ingrid Flindell, widow of Edwin Frederick Flindell (1926-2014), an American who spent most of his professional career teaching music at the Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin. In addition to several stints at American universities, he was published arranger of choral works and writer of music books and articles. To find out more about Dr. Flindell and the Bösendorfer, please join us at this exciting recital.