JFKS 8th Grade Ski Trip 2016 Update
3 March 2016
For the 41st time the JFKS ski trip is unterwegs.
Day 1 – Travel Day: Berlin to Zillertal, Austria
Two buses, 127 students and a handful of ski instructors left a rainy Berlin Sunday morning at 8 a.m. We arrived in cloudy Austria 10 hours later. After dinner, the students did a brisk night-walk through the village. Bedtime was 22:00.

Day 2 – Ski Day 1: Monday
Instructors awoke all students still sleeping at 7:15 a.m. For some students, it was an unpleasant reminder that although there would be no school, there would be no sleeping in. For others, the day had already begun with cards, yoga and a morning run. By 7:45, all were eating breakfast and preparing their sandwiches. At 9 a.m. the three buses pulled away, full with students off to ski.
Two hours later, students had rented ski equipment and were standing at the base of a cloudy Hochfügen, ski resort. Students joined one of the 12 ski groups: some took names such as The Cool Kids, The Unicorns, The Ski Friends, The Rainbow Ponies, etc. Not long after they were all skiing.
At 4 p.m., the buses made the 30 minute trip back down the hill to the guest house. They were finally able to enjoy some free time—playing, socializing, playing ping pong and engaging with their electronic devices they give up each evening before bed.
After the four-course dinner of salad, soup, spaghetti, and dessert, at 20:30 students met for the activity organized by Class 8a. During the evening, students explored the theme of gender and fashion on a catwalk. One students’ gym shorts, for example, was transformed into a dress. Others, whom most had never seen before in makeup, appeared and strutted to the sustained laughter and enjoyment of their classmates.
Most students were asleep by 22:30. Most instructors were asleep not long afterwards.

Day 3 – Ski Day 2: Tuesday
The ski-day schedule is much the same. The kids woke to the boy-band Hansen’s “MMMBop” blasting through the hallways at 7:15. Breakfast, bus ride to the mountain. After 15 minutes to get the skis unloaded from the container, most groups were stretching and skiing by 10:00. Lunch came 2-3 hours later, followed by another 2-3 hours of skiing. By the end of the day all students had used a lift, and many advanced skiers had enjoyed getting to know the mountain, full of fresh snowfall.
After the usual schedule, students explored their talents in a talent show, led by Class 8b. Among others, there was a hand-stand artist and musical performance among others. Not long after, students were once again in bed at 22:00, awaiting the next day of skiing.