Honk! – Reserve tickets online for the HS Musical
Honk! is a musical adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen story, “The Ugly Duckling.“ Honk! tells the story of an odd-looking baby duck, Ugly, and his quest to find his mother. Soon after Ugly is born, he is seduced away by a wily Cat who wants to eat Ugly for dinner. Eventually, Ugly manages to escape, but has no idea how to return home so he wanders around looking for his mother.
The play includes a strong message of tolerance and fair treatment of those who are different. The show is suitable for viewers from young elementary to adult.
Tickets are €8 for Adults and €6 for Students. You may reserve tickets online or buy them in the Blue building during high-school lunch Monday – Friday (12:20 – 13:30).
FOR ONLINE RESERVATIONS PLEASE CLICK HERE: https://docs.google.com/a/jfksberlin.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqHz6StRA2ueItuKluIop0qxUggdqol1rcivh3OxM0M3rb2Q/viewform
Performances are Fridays and Saturdays the first two weekends in November (4, 5, 11, 12) at 19:00. We will have a special matinee on Sunday, 6 November, at 14:00, and will invite the young members of the audience to come onstage after the show to meet the cast. All performances will be in the Large Aula.