Our staff email addresses are made up of the initial of the first name and the last name followed by @jfksberlin.org.
If your device does not have a default email program set up, you may not be able to simply click on the links to create an email. Hovering over the name with a mouse on a desktop or laptop, will also reveal the email address.
In case you cannot find the name of a particular staff member, please contact the high school office at +49 (0) 30 90189-6800 or -6802. You can also send an email to highschool@jfksberlin.org.
Please observe the following email etiquette guidelines in order to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments. We kindly ask that you
- use email for important issues;
- expect a response within 3 work days; and
- communicate directly to the particular teacher without sending copies to other people.
Please note: Leave of absence requests and excuses for a student’s absence can only be accepted in written form with parents’ or guardians’ signature and not via email.
Ms. Bergsieker ✉ tbergsieker@
Ms. Berninger ✉ mberninger@
* Ms. Diemer ✉ jdiemer@
Ms. Freymadl ✉ efreymadl@
Ms. Iden-Omorowa ✉ siden@
Ms. Jendretzki ✉ gjendretzki@
Mr. Kieß ✉ mkiess@
Mr. Koehler ✉ skoehler@
Mr. Lühr ✉ aluehr@
Mr. Martens ✉ hmartens@
Ms. Peker ✉ lpeker@
Ms. Schlicht ✉ aschlicht@
* Ms. Sgustav ✉ csgustav@
Dr. Stobbe ✉ jstobbe@
Ms. Taschenberger ✉ ctaschenberger@
Mr. Verteiler ✉ gverteiler@
Mr. Vetterick ✉ tvetterick@
Ms. Wernstedt ✉ bwernstedt@
Ms. Wojan ✉ kwojan@
Ms. Anderson ✉ manderson@
Mr. Ball ✉ hball
* Mr. Beckley ✉ lbeckley@
Mr. Felt ✉ cfelt@
Mr. Getschow ✉ dgetschow@
Ms. Jones ✉ jjones@
Ms. Kugler ✉ hkugler@
Dr. Mentan ✉ jmentan@
Ms. Moser ✉ amoser@
Ms. Pfaff ✉ npfaff@
Mr. Robertson ✉ wrobertson@
Ms. Wiltzius ✉ mwiltzius@
Ms. Diemer ✉ jdiemer@
Ms. Kimmen ✉ lkimmen@
Ms. Nassiri ✉ nnassiri@
Ms. Schlicht ✉ aschlicht@
* Ms. Sgustav ✉ csgustav@
Ms. Simons ✉ dsimons@
Ms. Thelen ✉ athelen@
Mr. Verteiler ✉ gverteiler@
* Ms. Amann ✉ damann@
Mr. Volkmer ✉ mvolkmer@
Ms. Kurrek ✉ kkurrek@
Mr. Larriuz ✉ alarriuz@
Dr. Mentan ✉ jmentan@
Ms. Nassiri ✉ nnassiri@
Dr. Schäfer ✉ aschaefer@
* Ms. Wiltzius ✉ mwiltzius@
Ms. Althoff ✉ malthoff@
* Ms. Aurich ✉kaurich (Biology)
Ms. Aust ✉ kaust@
Ms. Galloway ✉ tgalloway@
* Ms. Holland ✉ dholland@ (Chemistry)
Dr. Husmann ✉ fhusmann@
Mr. Lee ✉ slee@
Mr. Lück ✉ jlueck@
Mr. Nagel ✉ anagel@
Mr. Riemann ✉ triemann@
Dr. Sas ✉ csas@
Mr. Slosarek ✉ gslosarek@
Ms. Stuhr ✉ jstuhr@
Mr. Tessmer ✉ htessmer@
Ms. Wallusch ✉ awallusch@
Mr. Weiss ✉ cweiss@
Math/Computer Science
Ms. Althoff ✉ malthoff@
Mr. Arocas ✉ darocas@
Mr. Bartz ✉ rbartz@
Mr. Friedrichs ✉ dfriedrichs@
Mr. Iacobucci ✉ aiacobucci@
Mr. Kaufmann ✉ tkaufmann@
Mr. Kieß ✉ mkiess@
Ms. Krueger ✉ pkrueger@
Mr. Kuballa ✉ mkuballa@
Mr. Marroquin ✉ amarroquin@
Ms. Möller ✉ umoeller@
Dr. Sas ✉ csas@
Mr. Sommer ✉ msommer@
Ms. Stuhr ✉ jstuhr@
* Mr. Welborn ✉ jwelborn@
Mr. Arocas ✉ darocas@
Mr. Bartz ✉ rbartz@
* Mr. Blessman ✉ pblessman@
Mr. Friedrichs ✉ dfriedrichs@
Mr. Kuballa ✉ mkuballa@
Ms. Möller ✉ umoeller@
Ms. Rueckeis ✉ rrueckeis@
Mr. Tessmer ✉ htessmer@
Mr. Weiss ✉ cweiss@
Ms. Aust ✉ kaust@
Mr. Hoedt ✉ rhoedt@
Mr. Lück ✉ jlueck@
* Mr. Martens ✉ hmartens@
Mr. Müller ✉ rmueller@
Mr. Riemann ✉ triemann@
Mr. Witte ✉ hwitte@
History/Political Science
Ms. Bergsieker ✉ tbergsieker@
Ms. Berninger ✉ mberninger@
Ms. Cupp ✉ ycupp@
Ms. Gerhardt ✉ jgerhardt@
Mr. Koehler ✉ skoehler@
Ms. Kurrek ✉ kkurrek@
Mr. Lang ✉ jlang@
Mr. Lazar ✉ dlazar@
Mr. Lühr ✉ aluehr@
Ms. Morales ✉ tmorales@
Mr. Stamer ✉ mstamer@
Ms. Taschenberger ✉ ctaschenberger@
Ms. Thelen ✉ athelen@
Mr. Vetterick ✉ tvetterick@
Ms. Wallusch ✉ awallusch@
* Ms. Wernstedt ✉ bwernstedt@
Mr. Witte ✉ hwitte@
Mr. Baildon ✉ mbaildon@
Mr. Fürnkranz ✉ wfuernkranz@
Mr. Kieß ✉ mkiess@
Ms. Kwee ✉ nkwee@
Dr. McDaniel ✉ cmcdaniel@
* Dr. Schäfer ✉ aschaefer@ (Ethics)
Dr. Stobbe ✉ jstobbe@
Ms. Wojan ✉ kwojan@
Ms. Kwee ✉ nkwee@
Ms. Redmann ✉ lredmann
Mr. Rubloff ✉ brubloff@
* Fr. Stahl ✉ istahl@
Mr. Titford ✉ ztitford@
* Mr. Ball ✉ hball
Mr. Martens ✉ hmartens@
Fr. Stoll ✉ astoll@
Mr. Witte ✉ hwitte@
Ms. Amann ✉ damann@
Ms. Cook ✉ lcook@
* Dr. Curtis ✉ jcurtis@
Ms. Epping ✉ nepping@
Ms. Freymadl ✉ efreymadl@
Mr. Hale ✉ rhale@
Ms. Hale ✉ ehale@
Ms. Simons ✉ dsimons@
Ms. Aurich ✉ kaurich
Mr. Baildon ✉ mbaildon@
Mr. Hoedt ✉ rhoedt@
Dr. Husmann ✉ fhusmann@
Mr. Kaufmann ✉ tkaufmann@
Ms. Kimmen ✉ lkimmen@
Ms. Krueger ✉ pkrueger@
Ms. Love ✉ nlove@
Mr. Müller ✉ rmueller@
* Mr. Nagel ✉ anagel@
Mr. Stamer ✉ mstamer@
Mr. Volkmer ✉ mvolkmer@
Ms. McClintock (ev., eng.) ✉ lmcclintock@
Fr. Schnaubelt (ev., dt.) ✉ aschnaubelt@
Fr. Hornfeck (kath., eng.) ✉ dhornfeck@
Hr. Makowski (kath., dt.) ✉ amakowski@
Ms. Losoff ✉ ilosoff@
Student Support
Ms. Day ✉ mday@ (School Counselor, grades 6-9)
Mr. Kelly ✉ rkelly@ (School Counselor, grades 10-12)
Mr. Baildon ✉ mbaildon@ (Special Education)
Ms. Groth ✉ mgroth@ (Special Education)
Ms. Böhm-Wirt ✉ cboehmwirt@ (Pedagogical Assistant)
Mr. Getschow ✉ dgetschow@ (Student Services Coordinator)
Ms. Rieck ✉ jrieck@ (School Social Worker)
Ms. Rathke ✉ arathke@ (Learning Support & Lerncoach Program)
Ms. Mack ✉ registrar@ (Registrar)
Pedagogical Coordinators
Ms. Aust ✉ kaust@ (grades 11-12)
Ms. Krueger ✉ pkrueger@ (grades 11-12)
Ms. Simons ✉ dsimons@ (grades 7-10)
(Acting) American Principal:
Ms. Erin Hale ✉ ehale@
American Assistant Principal:
German Principal:
Mr. Robert Bartz ✉ rbartz@
(Acting) German Assistant Principal:
Ms. Gianna Gillert ✉ ggillert@
High School Office (✉ highschool@)
Ms. Decker
Ms. White-Stein
* denotes Department Chair
Visit the respective websites for more information on our School Counselors or Student Support Services Staff.