Der Fachbereich Musik der JFKS bietet zusätzliche musikalische Aktivitäten für Schüler_innen der Grundschule an. Die Proben finden entweder vor oder nach der Schule oder einmal wöchentlich in der Mittagspause statt.
Nachstehend finden Sie die Aktivitäten, die im laufenden Schuljahr angeboten werden. Bitte klicken Sie auf die jeweilige Aktivitäten, um weitere Details und Kontaktinformationen zu den Mitarbeitern zu erhalten.
Weitere Einzelheiten über das JFKS-Musikprogramm finden Sie unter Musische Bildung.
Suzuki Violin Program (EC, Grades 1-5)
- Entrance class every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00-8:45, Room G102
- Grade 1 and 2: Tuesdays, 14:15-15:00, Foyer Small Aula
- Grade 3 and 4: Tuesdays, 15:05-15:50, Foyer Small Aula
- Grade 5 (Advanced Strings): during regular school instruction on Wednesdays 3rd period, Room G115 or G101
Choir (Grades 3-6)
Grade 3: Tuesdays, 14:15-15:00 (G111)
Grade 4: Thursdays, 14:15-15:00 (G111)
Director: Ms. Martin
Grade 5: Fridays, 8th period (G115)
Grade 6: Wednesdays, 4th period (G102)
Director: Ms. Cook
Kammerchor (Grades 4-6)
Fridays, 11:30-12:15 (Room: G110)
Director: Fr. Amann
Small Ensemble (Grades 5-6)
Mondays, 15:05-15:50 (Room: G115)
Director: Ms. Cook
Band (Grade 5)
Wednesdays, 3rd period, G103
Director: Ms. Martin
Orchestra (Grade 5)
Wednesdays, 3rd period
Director: Ms. Jaques
Advanced Band (Grade 6)
Wednesdays, 8th period, G103
Director: Ms. Martin
Advanced Orchestra (Grade 6)
Wednesdays, 8th period
Director: Ms. Jaques
Jazz Band (Grades 6-8)
Thursdays, 9th period, G103
Director: Ms. Martin
Music Club (Grades 3-4)
This group was created for 3rd and 4th grade students to practice and perform music together. Students develop their musicality by learning about notes and dynamics, feeling an inner pulse, and playing together. Our repertoire ranges from classical music to rock music, and we sing along with the music we make.
Grade 3: Wednesday, 8th period
Grade 4: Thursday, 8th period
Director: Ms. Beebe
Recorder Ensemble (Grades 3-4)
There are sometimes two recorder groups for interested children in 3rd and 4th grade. The activity is aimed at both beginners and advanced recorder players. In addition to traditional pieces, the repertoire includes old peasant songs collected by Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly. The children will also compose small pieces themselves and enjoy playing them with their group.
Rehearsals always take place once a week during lunch. The ensembles participate in two concerts per year, in winter and spring. Flutes are available for purchase.
Director: Not offered this school year