
Our team is made up of Christians (Protestant and Catholic), Jews and Atheists. In working together, we demonstrate the peaceful and respectful cooperation of people with different beliefs. We share experiences with each other, discuss what is happening in the world and help each other to understand different traditions.

If one of our teachers is sick, their class will be incorporated into another group. In this case, we look to see that the right language is offered, so that instruction can be followed. Otherwise, the substitution may be taken by a teacher of another confession or religion.

The situation is different for Humanistic World Views ( Humanistische Lebenskunde). Here the school will provide supervision if one of the teachers is off campus.

This cooperation has led to many common projects in the past and we expect it will continue to do so in the future. For example, in 2008 the Bahnhofsmission Zoologischer Garten Berlin wrote to us with a request for supporting their annual Christmas package drive for homeless people at Christmas. We see this as a chance to show faith and human kindness in a practical way. Together, we pack over 100 Christmas packages every year so that people in need may receive a sign of respect and compassion from others in society. We’d like to thank the children for their hard work and enthusiasm for this project year after year.

For the last few years, we supported the “Tafel” in Teltow with Christmas goodie bags. Additionally, we are a partner school to the “Anne-Frank-Center” and we take the students to visit churches, synagogues and mosques together. The “Generationsbrücke” is another example of our successful joint ventures.
