Blog Archives

Update from Hort (18.03.)

The administration would like to share the message that went to all parents of students enrolled in Hort. See message below.  Die Schulleitung möchte diesen Brief teilen, der heute an alle Eltern von Kindern im Hort geschickt wurde. Siehe Nachricht

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JFKS Notbetreuung – Emergency Care

**ENGLISH BELOW** Liebe Eltern der Klassenstufen EK-6,  nach dem jetzigen Stand wird eine Notbetreuung an der JFKS stattfinden. Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen. Bitte lesen Sie diese sorgfältig durch. Müssen Sie das Angebot in Anspruch nehmen, schicken Sie bitte eine

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JFKS Update: School Closure Details

-DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG SIEHE UNTEN- STAND/LAST REVISED: 16.03.2020 – 15:00 Information about school during the coronavirus closure Dear JFKS Community,  We hope you are doing well in the challenging situation.  Please make sure your children understand that the following three weeks

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Ski Trip: Thank you!

Alle 8. Klässler sind gut in Berlin angekommen. Tausend Dank an alle Betreuer und Kollegen. Ihr habt einen sensationellen Job gemacht!  All 8th graders arrived safely in Berlin. Many thanks to all chaperones and colleagues. You did an amazing job!

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Ski Trip Returnees: Quarantine Recommended

Please read the tweet by Jens Spahn, German health minister, regarding a recommended quarantine for 14 days for all travelers with or without symptoms returning from Austria, Switzerland and Italy. We have no other information from the health office at

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Ski Trip: Estimated Arrival Time

The estimated arrival time of our 8th graders and the JFKS staff is 19:15. Friendly reminder: Please do not block the ramp entrance or exit when parking and allow for the buses to safely drive up the ramp by staying on

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UPDATE: School Closure – PLEASE READ

Dear JFKS Community,    JFKS will be officially closed beginning Tuesday, March 17.    On Monday, March 16th we are asking all parents to keep their students home for the day. Teachers will be expected at school at 8:00 to

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UPDATE: Ski Trip, Praktikum and Entrance Class Lottery

Dear JFKS Community,    The 8th grade students on the ski trip will be departing Austria tomorrow (March 14) between 09:00 – 10:00. Please check the website starting at 17:00 for an exact arrival time. We expect them to arrive at JFKS

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JFKS Sporthalle / Gym closed this weekend (14.-15.03.)

The JFKS gym will be closed this weekend (14-15 March 2020). All sport activities have been canceled. Thank you for your understanding. Die JFKS Sporthalle ist dieses Wochenende geschlossen (14.-15. März 2020). Alle Sportveranstaltungen wurden abgesagt. Wir bitten um Verständnis.

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SAT Test – Canceled (14.03.)

The SAT test scheduled for Saturday, 14 March 2020 at JFKS is officially canceled. We have received confirmation from the College Board, however, their website apparently has not been updated yet. Participants should receive an email with further details.

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