On Thursday, February 18th, 2016 the JFKS Alumni Association and the JFKS Music Department will proudly present “A Legacy: JFKS Music”, an alumni concert. The nostalgic, talent-packed musical celebration will take place in the Large Aula at 7:30 p.m. and …
Congratulations and a big thank you to the students in grades 5-8 who took part in the musical performances last weekend and especially to Ms Cook for her wonderful work with them!
Heute fand in der Bücherei das große Schulfinale des Vorlesewettbewerbes statt. Es gab 6 Finalisten aus den 6. Klassen. Teilgenommen haben alle D1, D11 und D2- Klassen. Es gab in der 1. Runde wunderschöne eigene Beiträge, vom Klassiker zum brandneuen …
In the Doubles Tennis Tournament for all Berlin elementary schools our JFKS-Mixed Team WK IV won 1st Place citywide! Congratulations to: Viktoria Carlotta Louisa Luna Lukas Gunter …
The JFKS Administration would like to reassure the community that evacuation and lock down procedures are fully in place for the staff and students of the school. It is not in our own interest to publicize all of the details …
Five JFKS students, current and recent graduates: Florian “Flo” F., Lukas “LT” T., Vivo v. S. (12th grade), Lafayette V.-J. and Jeremiah V.-J. (11th grade) were just selected for the German Men’s Lacrosse Team (U19) and will be representing Germany …
U.S. Embassy Berlin Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Continued Security Awareness November 15, 2015 In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, the U.S. Embassy in Berlin reminds U.S. citizens in Germany to review the Worldwide …
20 students from grades 5 and 6 as well as 14 High School students working on the Round 2 of the Math Olympics!
JFKS High School Physics teacher Peter Wiechert has been awarded the Berlin Physics Society’s Teacher Award for excellent teaching and providing his students with special physics activities. The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 11, at 18h, at the Technische Universität …