Dear parents, The school administrators have decided that today (Thursday, May 31) and tomorrow (Friday, June 1) all Elementary School students are dismissed at 13:20. The temperature in some classrooms is unbearable during these unually hot days. Please inform your child’s …
Liebe JFKS Eltern, Schüler, Lehrer und Schulleiter, wie viele von Ihnen/Euch wissen, steht unser “Garden Day” vor der Tür! Am Freitag den 20. April starten wir gemeinsam mit hoffentlich vielen von Euch um 14 Uhr. Wir brauchen jede helfende Hand! Auch Kinder und Verwandte …
16.3.2018, 14:30h The buses are 280km away, estimated arrival time: 17:30-18:00h. 15.3.2018 The ski trip is nearing its conclusion, but not before some major excitement to wrap up the two-week experience. Last night witnessed the crowning of Mr. and …
Due to the severe weather warning for Berlin this afternoon and evening, all classes and after-school activities after 15:00 are canceled. If your child is in Hort or Late Birds, please pick up your child in a timely manner. Hort will not be sending …
First semester report cards for grades 2 to 10 will be distributed on Friday, February 2nd. Please check that your child brings one home on that day. Note: Students in grades EC and 1 will only receive a report card …
The bear was donated to Berlin by Eunice Kennedy-Shriver (JFK’s sister). It was on display outside the Mercedes Benz Center and has now been gifted to us. The colorful bear statue is 3m x 3m and will greet students and …