Mark your calendar! Coming soon: a panel discussion with recent JFKS alumni about life after graduation. Listen to first-hand experience on vocational training, gap year,internships or studying in Germany or abroad. Gather with alumni in the foyer of the small aula afterwards …
In the Tennis Double-Tournament for Berlin elementary schools our JFKS Team won 2nd place citywide! Congratulations to the following team members: Jan, Jonathan, Johanna, Helen, Amelie, Carlo, Lukas …
Dear JFKS Community Members, For those who wish to join us in remembering Alan Poland, who passed away on November 9, there will be a memorial service in the large Aula next Tuesday, November 25, beginning at 19:00 hr. The alumni have kindly …
On Tuesday, November 11th, some students and teachers met in the JFKS gym to compete for the first High School Championships in table tennis. Robert B. (12a) dominated the tournament without losing one game. In the final match he overcame …
To the JFKS Community, We regret having to announce that Alan Poland, a dear friend and former colleague, passed away on Sunday. To those of us who knew him, he was the very heart of the music department and an …
Our students represented our school in a rowing competition (Berliner Grundkursregatta in Spandau) on the Havel. They won eight out of nine races (mainly coxed quadruple skull heats) and I hope that wasn’t our last invitation to the regatta in Spandau!Coach A.Schulze
It’s musical time again. The High School Musical “Into the Woods” will be performed in the large aula on Friday, 7 November, 2014, 19:00 Saturday, 8 November, 2014, 19:00 Sunday, 9 November, 2014, 14:00 Friday, 14 November, 2014, 19:00 Saturday, …
Mit bis zu 150 Umdrehungen in der Sekunde und bis zu 180 km/h Geschwindigkeit bewegt sich ein kleiner weißer Tischtennisball. Die Faszination der schnellsten Rückschlagsportart der Welt konnten die Kennedy-Schüler des Tischtennis-Kurses der Oberstufe am vergangenen Sonntag hautnah miterleben. Gemeinsam …
Wer war vor uns da? Die John-F. Kennedy-Schule und ihre Nachbarn erinnern sich: Der Zweite Weltkrieg und die Stunde Null Zeitzeugen aus der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft unserer Schule berichten von ihren Erfahrungen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und danach. Wie war das damals? …
Our students did it again: 10 relay teams grade 7-12 (5 girl teams and 5 boy teams) competed last Wednesday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. against the best teams of all Berlin high schools. 6 teams could qualify for the finals. Congratulations …