Starting with the new school year, Frau Maike Groth will be our “Special Needs Coordinator / Sonderpädagogin” for the Elementary School. She works at JFKS and at the SIBUZ (Schulpsychologisches-Inklusions-Beratungs-und Unterstützungszentrum) as well. Please feel free to contact her with …
Grades 1-6 start school on Monday, 22 August at 8:05 h. Grades 2, 4 and 6 have the same classrooms as last year and can go there directly. Grade 1: Teachers will meet the students inside the main gate and …
First Day of School Grades 7-10 Grade 7 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8 A.M. (per 1) Grade 8 should report to the SMALL AULA at 8:52 (per 2) Grade 9 should report to the LARGE AULA at …
The JFKS Rams Girls Lacrosse team finished the season undefeated and Deutsche Meister with a 14-10 victory in the Championship game. Congratulations!
JFKS students Max Hentges and Leopold Aschenbrenner won 4th place in the “Jugend forscht” German finals. CONGRATULATIONS!
CONGRATULATIONS to our JFKS 3rd graders won 2nd place in the Berlin-wide swimming competition! Nachdem unser 3. Klasse-Schwimm-Team Ende Mai Bezirksmeister von Steglitz/Zehlendorf wurde, qualifizierte es sich hiermit für das Berlin Finale am 1. Juni. Hier gelang ihnen das wirklich …
Nachdem unser 3. Klasse-Schwimm-Team Ende Mai Bezirksmeister von Steglitz/Zehlendorf wurde, qualifizierte es sich hiermit für das Berlin Finale am 1. Juni. Hier gelang ihnen das wirklich Unfassbare: Unter den 27 teilnehmenden besten Grundschulen aller Berliner Bezirke erreichten sie den 2. …
Congratulations to the JFKS Odyssey of the Mind Division I and Division II teams for each placing 3rd place in their division in the 2016 Eurofest competition in Gdansk, Poland.