

Students who are currently in grades 6-11 must complete a registration form to submit their course choices for the next school year. The links for the respective grade levels can be found in the tabs below.

If you have questions, please contact Fr. Simons (grades 7-10), Fr. Krueger (grade 11) or Fr. Aust (grade 12).

  • No form is required to re-register current students who will be attending grades 1-6 next year!
  • Religion and Lebenskunde Information – only required if your child should attend a different class next year.
  • Electives in grades 5 and 6 will be chosen after school begins.

Current 6th grade students who will be attending grade 7 next school year:

Current 10th grade students who will be attending grade 11 next school year:

Gymnasiale Oberstufe

Transition Grade 10 to 11

Further information on our website:

Current 11th grade students who will be attending grade 12 next school year:

No registration required. 

Further information on our website:
