ES Food Drive Follow Up & Help Wanted
Thank you for all of your support!
The ES collected a vast amount of non-perishable food items and had fun competing for most creative words created with the donations.
6th grade created the words with the most ‘z’ and ‘q’ and earned the movie afternoon. 3rd and 5th were a close 2nd but what really matters is all the food we collected! ES Student Council really appreciates all the contributions from different classes, especially EC-2nd grade.
At this time, the Cub Scouts group is looking for volunteers to help distribute the food.
The information from the Scouts contact is below:
The Cub Scouts made 173 grocery bags of food. It was quite a lot!
If anyone from JFKS would like to participate in passing out the grocery bags, they are requested to come to American Church Berlin, Dennewitzplatz, around 3:30 pm. Both this Friday, the 9th and probably the 16th too. Until they’ve all been handed out.
Please send an email to Ms. Williams () if you can help so she can forward it to the Scouts. Thank you.