Fun Day is back!
On September 23, 2023, after a 5-year hiatus, we were delighted to welcome the JFKS community back to our campus for Fun Day.
Classes, departments, activities, and clubs provided food, drinks, games and more! All proceeds went to the booth providers and the Verein! A special thank you to the Music department for organizing the entertainment program in the café. And a HUGE thank you to all the Verein volunteers for organizing this great event!
Our JFKS Alumni booth reported that the Class of ’94/Abi ’95 was the most represented class at FUN DAY.
Photo Credit: T. Helou

School without Racism/School with Courage
On May 23, 2022, JFKS officially received the title ‘School without Racism/School with Courage’ during a ceremony in the large Aula. Click here for more details.
JFKS Flea Market
May 22, 2022 – The JFKS Flea Market finally returned to our campus! With beautiful weather, 120 tables of sellers, clubs and activities, cakes, and treats, this event was a huge success. Thank you to the Verein, the organizers, volunteers and school support staff!
Photo Credit: L. Rigamonti
Spectrum of Discrimination
May 13, 2022 – Spectrum of Discrimination, a “School with Courage / Schule ohne Rassismus” Project with sponsorship from the JFKS Verein, is a project which shares some students’ experiences at JFKS in hopes of creating awareness and bringing about healing and equitable change to our school community. Through the artistic representation by Professional Photographer and JFKS Mom, Nura Qureshi, the community is invited to interact with these stories and engage with the intersectionality of topics that arise.
30th Anniversary of BERMUN
November 17-20, 2021 – Celebrating 30 years of BERMUN at JFKS with over 800 participants during our third online conference.
60th Anniversary Celebration
September 17, 2020 – Celebrating 60 years of JFKS with a small group of guests due to Covid-19 regulations. Special speakers include HS Principals, Fr. Dr. Franziska Giffey (Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) and Ms. Robin Quinville (US Embassy Chargée d’Affaires). Click here to watch the video.
Jocelyn B. Smith – Concert at JFKS
February 14, 2020 – Thank you, Jocelyn for a wonderful evening and helping us kick off our 60th anniversary celebrations just right!
Welcome back! Minnesota Twins Baseball-Star Max Kepler’s homecoming and baseball clinic at JFKS
November 18, 2019 – For more information click here.

Literaturzug mit Kronzprinz Haakon und Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit von Norwegen zur Frankfurter Buchmesse
15. Oktober 2019 – Mehr Info hier.

Visit from Col. Gail Halvorsen
June 2019 during the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift