Welcome to the JFKS Biology Department!
“Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say, why not?” (Robert F. Kennedy)
Biology, the science of life, connects our German and American colleagues. Instruction is held in either German or English. With our Chemistry colleagues we share seven science rooms and three collections, located around a large lab area.
At JFKS we have many broadly interested students and would like to do them justice with our contentual and methodical offers. We are trying to create a relaxed learning situation with a high level of expectation, combining a qualified education with practical relevance and fun. It’s not the only goal to generate enthusiasm for Biology, but also to develop a positive attitude towards German as a mother tongue or foreign language.
Biology instruction focuses on the discovering learning of everyday phenomenons. Through experimental analysis, practical exercises like microscopy, acquired knowledge is connected with applications. Students hereby explore important issues of their lives.
In 7th grade students (two periods per week) questions regarding nutrition and digestive system, cardiovascular system, puberty and prophylaxis of addiction take on an important role. age as well as to promote biology as a subject.
The 9th grade students learn about the reproductive system, contraception and immune system and evolution. In 10th grade there is an emphasis on genetics and the nervous system of humans. Depending on the organizational and scheduling structure, Biology is taught two periods per week for the whole school year, or it’s taught four periods per week for one semester.
Interdisciplinary offers include the “biology-chemistry-elective” courses in 9th and 10th grade which provide the opportunity to model the contents according to the students’ interests. The practical work and learning and applying of various methods, e.g. portfolio work, proving hypothesis, etc., are in the focus. Small classes allow a relaxed working atmosphere and an individual work process. Students work on projects like “From the sheep to the sweater”, “Bionics – learning from nature”, “Small particles, quite big – advantages and disadvantages of nano technology” etc. The two-periods Science Lab courses (8th to 10th grade) focus on scientific methods, such as developing experimental setups, in-depth research, etc. Depending on the teacher, the focus could be on Biology or Chemistry.
In grades 11 and 12 biology is taught on Grundkurs and Leistungskurs level for three respectively five hours, AP Biology is offered with six hours and Advance Topics in Biology with four hours. An excursion is an important part of the Biology Leistungskurs. In the past there have been marine biological excursions to different Marine Biology Institutions or exploring the ecological system Wattenmeer and also taking part in the Genlabor or Gläsernes Labor.
In all grade levels instruction is supplemented by field trips to venues including the Zoo, the Aquarium, Museum of Natural History, the Botanical Garden, the Ozeaneum Stralsund, they learn about the function of a sewage treatment plant or a coal power station and know and use the offers of various student laboratories.
“Wichtig ist, dass man nicht aufhört zu fragen.” (Albert Einstein)