
Our staff email addresses are made up of the initial of the first name and the last name followed by

If your device does not have a default email program set up, you may not be able to simply click on the links to create an email. Hovering over the name with a mouse on a desktop or laptop, will also reveal the email address.

In case you cannot find the name of a particular staff member, please contact the ES Office at or at +49 (0) 30 90189-6830.

Please observe the following email etiquette guidelines in order to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments. We kindly ask that you

  • use email for important issues;
  • expect a response within 3 work days; and
  • communicate directly to the particular teacher without sending copies to other people.

Please note: Leave of absence requests and excuses for a student’s absence can only be accepted in written form with parents’ or guardians’ signature and not via email.

Entrance Class
Ms. Callahan   ✉ scallahan@
Ms. Gschwender   ✉ mgschwender@
* Ms. Jackson   ✉ hjackson@
Mr. Olson   ✉ jolson@
Ms. Ritterbusch   ✉ sritterbusch@
Ms. Younghans   ✉ gyounghans@

Grade 1
Ms. Ferrarÿ   ✉ aferrary@
Ms. Fischer   ✉ mfischer@
Ms. Hansen   ✉ vhansen@
* Ms. Hoedt   ✉ ehoedt@
Mr. Kubala   ✉ kkubala@

Grade 2
Ms. Dawi   ✉ sdawi@   (website link)
Ms. Gothe   ✉ dgothe@
Ms. Meden   ✉ nmeden@
Ms. Mueller   ✉ kmueller@
* Ms. Reichert   ✉ creichert@



Grade 3
* Ms. Barrios   ✉ jbarrios@
Ms. Frenzel   ✉ jfrenzel@
Ms. Göbel   ✉ cgoebel@
Ms. Hartmann   ✉ shartmann@
Ms. Higgins ✉ ahiggins@

Grade 4
Ms. Barkhymer   ✉ abarkhymer@
* Ms. Korda    ✉ ckorda@
Ms. Menzel   ✉ rmenzel@
Ms. Rigney   ✉ vrigney@
Ms. Sullivan   ✉ esullivan@

Grade 5
* Ms. Bennett   ✉ tbennett@   (website link)
Ms. Durkin   ✉ jdurkin@
Mr. Kleinman   ✉ skleinman@
Ms. Senkel   ✉ ksenkel@
Ms. Witzmann   ✉ awitzmann@

Grade 6
Mr. Bollig   ✉ sbollig@
Ms. Evers   ✉ bevers@
* Ms. Kraus   ✉ jkraus@
Ms. Saupe   ✉ gsaupe@
Ms. Ziegler   ✉ lziegler@

Ms. Baker   ✉ abaker@   (website link)
** Ms. Barkhymer   ✉ abarkhymer@  (MT)
Ms. Beebe   ✉ lbeebe@
Ms. Geary-Müller  ✉ lgearymueller@
** Ms. Kraus   ✉ jkraus@  (PT)
Ms. Rajkumari   ✉ rrajkumari@
** Ms. Riemer   ✉ kriemer@  (MT)
Mr. Hoedt   ✉ jhoedt@
Ms. Sullivan   ✉ esullivan@


Ms. Beric   ✉ sberic@
Mr. Dorn   ✉ mdorn@
Ms. Dünkel   ✉ sduenkel@
** Ms. Freytag   ✉ kfreytag@  (PT)
Ms. Jasper   ✉ bjasper@
Mr. Jones   ✉ tjones@
Mr. Kloss   ✉ lkloss@
Ms. Koßmann   ✉ akossmann@
Ms. Praetorius   ✉ ipraetorius@
** Ms. Rigney   ✉ vrigney@  (MT)
Ms. Ritterbusch   ✉ sritterbusch  (MT)
Ms. Yener   ✉ syener@

** Ms. Rigney   ✉ vrigney@

Mr. Dorn   ✉ mdorn@
Mr. Kleinman   ✉ skleinman@
Ms. Velazco   ✉ lvelazco@

Mr. Filipp   ✉ afilipp@
Library Support Staff:
Ms. Lage  ✉ mlage@
Ms. Rose   ✉ erose@

Life Skills (Lebenskunde)
Ms. Kurschus   ✉ skurschus@
Ms. Schweiger   ✉ jschweiger@
** Ms. Yanikoglu   ✉ myanikoglu@

** Ms. Frenzel   ✉ jfrenzel@
Ms. Hasenstab   ✉ ahasenstab
Ms. Sullivan   ✉ esullivan@

Ms. Amann   ✉ damann@
Ms. Beebe   ✉ lbeebe@
Ms. Cook   ✉ lcook@
** Dr. Curtis   ✉ jcurtis@
Ms. Epping   ✉ nepping@
Ms. Freymadl   ✉ efreymadl@
Ms. Hale   ✉ ehale@
Mr. Hale   ✉ rhale@
** Ms. Martin   ✉ smartin@

Ms. Friedman   ✉ sfriedman@   (Jewish religious education)
Ms. Hornfeck   ✉ dhornfeck@   (Catholic religious education, Eng.)
Ms. Kleine   ✉ hkleine@   (Protestant religious education, Germ.)
Mr. Makowski  ✉ amakowski@   (Catholic religious education, Germ.)
Ms. McClintock   ✉ lmcclintock@   (Protestant rel. ed., Eng.)
** Ms. Schnaubelt   ✉ aschnaubelt@   (Protestant rel. ed., Germ.)

Mr. Barkhymer   ✉ tbarkhymer@
** Mr. Jones   ✉ tjones@
Ms. Velazco   ✉ lvelazco@

Social Studies
** Ms. Göbel   ✉ cgoebel@
** Ms. Barrios   ✉ jbarrios@

Ms. Donnelly   ✉ hdonnelly@
Mr. Hoedt   ✉ jhoedt@
Ms. Geary-Müller   ✉ lgearymueller@
** Mr. Golldack   ✉ agolldack@
** Mr. Mandel   ✉ jmandel@

Student Support
Mr. Gagne    ✉ cgagne@  (School Counselor, grades EC-6)
Ms. Day    ✉ mday@  (School Counselor, grades 6-9)
Ms. Groth    ✉ mgroth@  (Special Education) 
Ms. Baker   ✉ abaker@  (website link)  (Reading Lab English)
Ms. Martin-O’Connor   ✉ coconnor@  (Reading Lab English) 
Ms. Praetorius   ✉ ipraetorius@  (Reading Lab German)
Ms. Hasenstab    ✉ ahasenstab  (Math Lab)
Ms. Ritterbusch   ✉ sritterbusch@  (Gifted)

American Principal: 
Ms. Martin-O’Connor   ✉ coconnor@

American Assistant Principal:
Dr. Kennedy-Salchow   ✉ skennedy@

German Principal: 
Ms. Angelika Ecke   ✉ aecke@

(Acting) German Assistant Principal:
Ms. Klara Senkel  ✉ ksenkel@  

Elementary School Office (✉ elementaryschool@)
Ms. Budde
Ms. Coffey
Ms. Robertson

Visit the respective websites to contact our School Counselors or Student Support Services Staff.

* denotes Grade Chair

** denotes Subject Coordinators (MT: Mother Tongue, PT: Partner Tongue)
