Late Birds at JFKS offers reliable and flexible childcare for children in Entrance Class- 6th grade starting from 13:05 to 16:00, Monday through Friday. Although English is our main language, our staff is bilingual and multi-cultural. Your child will feel very comfortable in our small group setting that helps provide a warm, active and family-like environment. All of our grade levels play and interact together which is especially wonderful for siblings. A variety of Late Birds Clubs are offered as part of our daily programing.
Childcare is offered when school is in session, on some holidays, parent-teacher conference days and one or two weeks of Summer Camp over summer vacation.
Entrance Class Camp at Late Birds is a great way to welcome new EC students in a warm, family-like atmosphere before school begins. For more information on the Late Birds EC Camp please contact us.
Late Birds is run by Villa Grips Soziale und Bildungsdienste gGmbH, a recognized institution of the Berlin Jugendhilfe. You will not need to apply through the State Youth Services (Hort-Gutschein) for approval to join Late Birds.
Additional information regarding our program and payment options can be found on our homepage at https://latebirds.villagrips.de/. Please register your children directly online for our services.
Nicole Latzel, Debra Fernandes
Villa Grips Soziale und Bildungsdienste gGmbH
Tel +49-30-90299 5116