1960 to Present
John F. Kennedy School Berlin
First day of School at the German-American Community School, housed initially in rooms of the Mühlenau-Schule with two preparatory classes consisting of 15 American and 15 German 6-year-old students and two 3rd Grade classes.

The Society of Parents and Friends of the German-American-Community School In Berlin (The Verein) is founded.

The School moves from the Mühlenau-Schule to its own provisional buildings on Teltower Damm in Zehlendorf with 360 students and 13 teachers.

After the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, the school is renamed John F. Kennedy School, German-American Community School.

The Berlin State Law applying to the John F. Kennedy School is adopted
The new school buildings are dedicated. Architect: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Harald Deilmann
First High School Graduation

First Abitur Graduation

John F. Kennedy Friendship Center

The John F. Kennedy School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

The renovation and expansion of the school’s buildings begins, taking eight years to complete; Architect: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Harald Deilmann

The new gymnasium is dedicated.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

German Reunification
End of Allied Occupation Laws in Berlin

The new buildings for Elementary and High School are dedicated.

The JFKS program and goals are reevaluated due to the changed political situation.

The first Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN) conference is held.

The school bus service hitherto sponsored and provided by the U.S. military ends. Privately contracted bus service begins.

The role of JFKS as a bicultural German-American school is reaffirmed by the faculty; the new school philosophy is published.

Ms. Hilary Rodham Clinton and Frau Hannelore Kohl speak at the JFKS graduation ceremonies and present the diplomas to the graduates.

US forces officially leave Berlin. The first school year without students from US military families begins.

First JFKS Information Fair for the Berlin German-American community

The Senate of Berlin and the American Embassy begin negotiations concerning the future support of the JFKS.

The JFKS network is created and the school’s first website goes online.

Renewal of the Accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

Col. Gail Halvorsen and fellow US Airlift Veterans visit JFKS in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

US Ambassador Philip D. Murphy visits JFKS to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall; a segment of the Berlin Wall is unveiled.

The school’s 39th Abitur class honors JFKS with the school’s best results ever.

Official Ceremony celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the John F. Kennedy School.

BERMUN celebrates its 25th anniversary with the conference theme “Ending Human Suffering: Reassessing the United Nation’s Role in a Globalized World”.

Installation of the Britto Bear – a donation to Berlin by JFK’s sister, Eunice Kennedy-Shriver.

Col. Gail Halvorsen visits JFKS in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

Celebrating 60 years of JFKS with a small group of guests due to Covid-19 regulations. Special speakers include HS Principals, Fr. Dr. Franziska Giffey (Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) and Ms. Robin Quinville (US Embassy Chargée d’Affaires).

BERMUN celebrates its 30th anniversary with the conference theme “Pursuing Peace in a World of War and Conflict” with over 800 participants attending the third online conference.

JFKS is awarded the title “‘School without Racism/School with Courage’” in a ceremony on campus. Lorna Hartling is the Schule mit Courage mentor.