Congrats, Bear-a-cudas!

This weekend, while a lot of families were traveling to the ski slopes or sunny beaches for Winterferien, 8 swimmers from JFKS’ Bear-a-cudas swam in the Rhineland Divisional Championships meet in Frankfurt.

Despite being one of the smallest teams there, they won the trophy for highest points per swimmer in a team. Furthermore, officials from across the division all commented on how much they love the Bear-a-cudas swimmers because of the exemplary leadership and sportsmanship they all demonstrate in their interactions with the team and their competitors.

Congrats to swimmers and parents alike!

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Haywire: Issue 18 Fall 2022

Dear JFKS Community,

Haywire 18 is complete and ready for your viewing! Thanks to all the contributors for sharing their art!
Save the date:
Join us for an evening of poetry and music on the Haus Reil Deck at the Haywire Open Mic on Wed, 7 June at 18:30. Thank you for your support!
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ES: Kindness Week (23.-27.1.)

The Elementary School is looking forward to students participating in KINDNESS WEEK next week. Many classes are organizing special activities and challenges for the week.

We are celebrating SPIRIT WEEK at the same time and look forward to students dressing up as follows: 


Tuesday: TIE DYE – Peace, Love & Kindness

Wednesday: JFKS Kids are Kind – Wear JFK Gear or colors

Thursday: Hats off for Kindness – Hat Day

Friday: Dreaming of Kindness – Wear your PJs to school day!

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Grade 5-8 Musical Performances (20.+21.01.)

Our cast of students from grades 5-8 are performing Beauty and the Beast Jr. and What a Knight!
Tickets for the show are 5€ each. Pay for and pick up tickets on the evening of the show at the box office starting at 18:15.
The Aula opens for audience members at 18:30. The show begins at 19:00.
Hurry! Get your tickets today before the shows sell out! 
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In Memoriam: Enid Kretschmer

We learnt from alumna Petra Rose about the recent passing of her lovely mother Enid Kretschmer who taught at JFKS from 1966 until 1980.

Before starting to teach at our school, Mrs. Kretschmer enrolled her second eldest daughter in the first pre-school class in 1960, thus being well acquainted with the very beginnings of JFKS.

For the JFKS 50th Anniversary brochure she wrote: „The parents of those children had all experienced the Second World War in some form and all were keen to encourage anything that promoted peace and international understanding. We spent hours helping to assemble equipment and discussing what we expected from the school and how it was to function. After one year, most people were confident that this was a worthwhile project.“

She could not know at that point in time that „this worthwhile project“ would become a continuous part of her life: for not only her own children attended JFKS but also her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to whom we all would like to express our sincere condolences.


Members of the Board – JFKS Berlin Alumni e.V.


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Congrats, ES Basketball Team!

Fourth grade winners – JFKS WK V team won their first tournament of the year!

The team would like to thank everyone for showing such wonderful school spirit today. Your support was simply FANTASTIC! Thanks again.

Go Rams!

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HS: Transition Evening -Grade 10 to 11

Dear 10th Grade Student and Parents,
As a follow up to the monthly bulletin sent out last week, we would like to remind you of the upcoming 10 to 11 Transition Evenings.
This transition (from 10th to 11th grade) is especially significant and perhaps even more so at JFKS. This is the time to declare for the Abitur or Diploma program and choose your individual courses (ex: Leistungskurse or Advanced Placement). To provide you with detailed information and the opportunity to ask questions about which program is best for you, we will hold two informational meetings this week
10 to 11 DIPLOMA
Wednesday, 11 Jan.
Online via Google Meet:
10 to 11 ABITUR
Thursday, 12 Jan.
Online via Google Meet: 
Unfortunately, we are unable to record the presentations. However, all of the materials shared will be posted to the school website at
Additionally, please don’t hesitate to write the 11th grade Tutors/Counselor if you have questions. 
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.
JFKS High School Administration

Liebe Schüler und Eltern der 10. Klassen,

wie bereits im Januar Bulletin angekündigt, möchten wir Sie an die bevorstehenden Informationsabende für den Übergang von der 10. zur 11. erinnern

Dieser Übergang (von der 10. in die 11. Klasse) ist besonders wichtig und vielleicht ist dieser Übergang sogar noch bedeutsamer an der JFKS. Dies ist die Zeit, in der ihr euch für das Abitur oder den Diplomstudiengang anmelden und eure individuellen Kurse (z.B. Leistungskurse oder Advanced Placement) wählen könnt. Um Sie ausführlich mit Informationen zu versorgen und Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben Ihre individuellen Fragen zu beantworten,  werden wir diese Woche zwei Informationsveranstaltungen durchführen.

10 nach 11 DIPLOMA
Mittwoch, 11 Jan.
Online über Google Meet:

10 nach 11 ABITUR
Donnerstag, 12 Jan.
Online über Google Meet: 
Leider können wir die Präsentationen nicht aufzeichnen. Alle geteilten Materialien werden jedoch auf der Schulwebsite veröffentlicht.
Zögern Sie bitte nicht, den Tutoren/Counselor der 11. Klasse zu schreiben, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

Abitur: Frau Krüger ()
Abschlusszeugnis: Ms. Hale () und Mr. Kelly ()

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie morgen Abend zu sehen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
JFKS Schulleitung Oberschule
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HS: Klausur Schedule for Grades 11-12 (2nd Sem.)

Below you can find the Klausur Schedule for grades 11-12 for the second semester. Please note that all dates will be posted in WebUntis shortly. Changes are displayed exclusively in WebUntis. 

Nachfolgend finden Sie den Klausurplan für die Klassen 11-12 für das zweite Semester. Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Termine in Kürze in WebUntis veröffentlicht werden. Änderungen werden ausschließlich nur in WebUntis angezeigt. 

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HS: Stanford Testing Grade 8

This letter was sent to all parents last week to inform about the upcoming 8th grade Stanford Testing on January 17 and 18. 


Dieser Brief wurde letzte Woche an alle Eltern verschickt, um über die bevorstehenden Stanford-Tests der 8. Klasse am 17. und 18. Januar zu informieren. 


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ISTA Trivia is back!

The JFKS ISTA Ensembles will be traveling to theatre festivals again this year. To raise funds for these trips, we are hosting a TRIVIA NIGHT on Friday, January 13th at 7pm (Large Aula).

You can create a team of 2-6 people and compete against others (there are prizes). Trivia questions from all walks of life will challenge your mind. Drinks, Chili, chips, salsa and sandwiches are for sale.

Register your team by writing to .

Or come on Friday evening to register then.

The cost for each team is €15.00.

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