JFKS Sporthalle / Gym closed this weekend (14.-15.03.)

The JFKS gym will be closed this weekend (14-15 March 2020). All sport activities have been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.

Die JFKS Sporthalle ist dieses Wochenende geschlossen (14.-15. März 2020). Alle Sportveranstaltungen wurden abgesagt. Wir bitten um Verständnis.

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SAT Test – Canceled (14.03.)

The SAT test scheduled for Saturday, 14 March 2020 at JFKS is officially canceled. We have received confirmation from the College Board, however, their website apparently has not been updated yet.

Participants should receive an email with further details.

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High School: Early Dismissal (13.03.) and Ski Trip Update #3

Dear Parents,
We are closing the high school early today due to low attendance of teachers and students. Students will be allowed to leave at 12:15 today. 
In addition, the Tirol area is closing all ski areas as well as all hostels as of Sunday afternoon. We have been in contact with Hr. Müller and receive regular updates. The students are having fun and there are no cases of coronavirus. 

Hr. Müller contacted the bus company to arrange the early trip back to Berlin.
We are awaiting the final decision of whether they will return on Sunday or Monday. This will depend how fast the bus company can organize the trip back, keeping in mind the drivers have required rest breaks to ensure safety. 

Please remain calm and we will inform you when we know more. 
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Steffen Schulz and Brian L. Salzer
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Ski Trip Update #2

Report from Zillertal Thursday, 12.3.20

While the rest of the world is confronted with questions concerning bold new headlines,  canceled flights, and postponed conferences, your children have been challenged with issues and decision-making of their own: hiking or shopping? Gerstl Suppe oder chili? And the most dreaded question of all:  Will we pass our first room inspection?

Under brilliant azure skies and warm temps, the students enjoyed their first ski-free day on Thursday. That means our kids had a relaxing day of sampling Kaiserschmarr’n, replenishing their throat lozenges and hand sanitizer supplies, and enjoying the company of friends in the fresh alpine air, marred only by the freshly sprayed manure of local farmers.

Upon returning to our hotel, the kids had many options for voluntary activities including a workout and jog with Mr. Mandell and a chess tournament under the supervision of Herr Gassner. Some enjoyed a football toss or soccer outside, but eventually most were occupied with preparing for the Faculty Room Inspector team sweep of Mr. Lang, Ms. Love and Mr. Felt. Under a rigorous standard emphasizing cleanliness, orderliness and atmosphere, rooms were judged and scored until our Best Three were determined (is your child in Room 212/312, 203 and 112?), with additional honorable mention accolades offered as well. We won’t mention the disasters by room number, but there is certainly room for improvement in a few cases.

The kids were in good spirits at this evening’s class 8a activity of “Jeopardy,” another triumph after the previous night’s “best dance party in years,” according to a veteran ski staff member. Your kids continue to make improvements in table manners and general cooperation, and, coupled with much success in the first round of ski instruction, has made this excursion a successful one to date, despite the extraordinary circumstances of the world around us.                                                                                       

-Chad Felt

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****Deutsche Übersetzung weiter unten****

Dear Parents,

Due to the confirmation of a Hort staff member who has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, the Gesundheitsamt has ordered the Hort to close. Considering the large number of Elementary School students enrolled in the Hort, the Elementary School will close as of Thursday, March 12, 2020, until Tuesday, March 17, 2020. The Elementary School and Hort will reopen on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

All events such as concerts and parent nights are canceled until further notice. Late Birds and all after school and extra-curricular activities which take place on campus via, for example, the JFK Friendship Center and the JFK Sports Club are also canceled until Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

The Gesundheitsamt has ordered quarantine for the following:
 All children enrolled in the Hort program
 All Entrance Class students
 All Entrance Class teachers
 All Hort Erzieher

The High School remains open and in session until further notice. If as a family you decide to keep your High School student at home as well, we respect your decision. 

You will continue to receive the most up-to-date information via email and on the JFKS website www.jfks.de. 

The JFKS Administration remains in contact with the Gesundheitsamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf to continue to monitor the situation at JFKS. Please be mindful that we will not be able to answer individual emails or phone calls as we are keeping the lines free for the authorities to contact us.

While this decision may seem drastic, there is no reason for fear. Please address health concerns with medical professionals – your pediatrician, your local Gesundheitsamt, the website (link here) and hotline of the Senatsschulverwaltung. The JFKS Administration are not medical professionals and cannot advise you regarding health questions.

Lastly, please help to stop rumors. It is important for our children and our community that we handle this information calmly and reasonably.

— The JFKS Administration


Liebe Eltern,

aufgrund der Bestätigung, dass ein Hort-Erzieher positiv auf COVID-19 getestet worden ist, hat das Gesundheitsamt die Schließung des Horts angeordnet. Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl der Grundschüler, die im Hort angemeldet sind, wird die Grundschule ab Donnerstag, den 12.03.2020 bis Dienstag, den 17.03.2020 schließen. Die Grundschule und der Hort werden am Mittwoch, den 18.03.2020 wieder öffnen.

Alle Veranstaltungen wie zum Beispiel Konzerte und Elternabende sind bis auf Weiteres abgesagt. Late Birds, JKFS-Aktivitäten sowie Aktivitäten des JFK Friendship Centers sowie des JFK Sport Clubs sind bis auf Weiteres ebenso bis zum 17.03.2020 abgesagt.

Das Gesundheitsamt hat Quarantäne angeordnet für:
 Alle Hort Kinder
 All Schüler/innen der Eingangsklassen
 Alle Lehrerinnen der Eingangsklassen
 Alle Hort Erzieher

Die High School bleibt bis auf Weiteres geöffnet. Sollten Sie als Familie entscheiden, Ihren High School Schüler zu Hause zu behalten, respektieren wir diese Entscheidung. Sie werden stets die aktuellsten Informationen per E-Mail erhalten und auf der Webseite www.jfks.de finden.

Wir stehen im ständigen Kontakt mit dem Gesundheitsamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf, um die Situation an der JFKS zu bewerten. Beachten Sie bitten, dass wir nicht in der Lage sind, individuelle Anfragen per Telefon oder E-Mail zu beantworten, damit die Kommunikation mit den Behörden aufrecht erhalten werden kann.

Diese Entscheidung mag drastisch wirken, aber es gibt keinen Grund Angst zu haben. Bitte sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Kinderarzt, Hausarzt, Ihrem zuständigen Gesundheitsamt oder melden Sie sich bei der Hotline des zuständigen Gesundheitsamtes (Link hier), wenn Sie sich Sorgen um die Gesundheit Ihrer Kinder oder sich selbst machen. JFKS hat keine medizinischen Fachkräfte und ist nicht in der Lage medizinische Fragen zu beantworten.

Als Letzteres möchten wir Sie bitten, dass Sie uns helfen, Gerüchte einzudämmen. Es ist für unsere Kinder sowie unsere Community wichtig, dass wir ruhig und sachlich mit der Situation umgehen.

— Die JFKS Schulleitung

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Dear parents,
We have our first confirmed case of a colleague (Entrance Class Erzieher) who tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in contact with the Gesundheitsamt and shared the information they requested about all those who may have been in contact with said colleague. The Gesundheitsamt might contact those colleagues and parents for further information or questions.
The last time, this colleague was on campus was last Tuesday (March 3) and he just tested positive today.
We are awaiting further instructions from the Gesundheitsamt which we are hoping to receive by this evening. At this point, school is in session as usual tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) until we get clarity or other instructions from the Gesundheitsamt. Please remember that the administration cannot make the decision to close the school. 
With that said, should your child feel unwell, of course, keep them home. Additionally, you may choose to keep your child at home as a precautionary measure until we receive explicit instructions from the health authorities. 
Please be mindful that we will not be able to answer individual emails or phone calls as we are keeping the lines free for the authorities to contact us. 
Our crisis team is scheduled to meet first thing tomorrow morning. We will keep you updated as soon as we know more.
– JFKS Administration
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UPDATE on COVID-19: Letter from the administration

Dear parents and members of the JFKS community,
Please click here for the letter from the JFKS Administration updating you about COVID-19 preparations at JFKS.
Best regards,
The JFKS Administration
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Ski Trip Update #1

Bright skies provided a dry autobahn ride that carried 130 excited students toward their Austrian destiny with one odd quirk: a crack at academia. Based on a challenge delivered from Bus 2 and Mr. Lang, both buses battled in poetic counter play at the second rest stop – atop picnic benches and surrounded by poetry fans and supporters. After a decisive round one victory for Bus 1, the third rest stop action turned to the McDonald’s playground and, much akin to the rumble in West Side Story, poetic jabs worthy of Shakespeare shaped this literary rivalry. We reveled in the creative efforts of your children and the challenge contributed to the camaraderie of the trip on the whole.

Once students hit the slopes on Monday, a rather challenging day was had by all.  Advanced skiers had to climb up a respectable slope and ski down to demonstrate their skills, to be placed in the correct ability level skiing group.  Meanwhile, beginning skiers had to learn to carry, walk in, and turn these awkward, heavy boards suddenly strapped to their feet.  Most students ate well, and then slept well, after this active first day, particularly after the many options provided by 8F for their game night.  Stay tuned for more challenges and accomplishments ahead!

Chad Felt & Chris Weiss

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Reminder: Absence Policy

Due to the volume of questions the JFKS Administration is receiving, we would like to refer parents to the official JFKS policy regarding absences due to illness. 

  • Policy regarding absences in English
  • Richtlinien bei Abwesenheit auf Deutsch



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Arrived: 8th Grade Ski Trip

We just received word from the teachers that the busses have arrived and the students are now settling into their rooms!

Check the JFKS website regularly in the next couple weeks for more updates.

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