Basketball Boys WK II Team Won the Vattenfall School Cup

Our basketball boys WK II team (players born between 1997 and 2000) has won the Vattenfall School Cup and became Berlin Champions! The Final Four tournament at the Sömmeringhalle in Charlottenburg was a big event with the attendance of TV and Radio stations, the Berliner Zeitung newspaper, and the ALBA Dance Team. The Rams defeated the Schadow-Schule with 37:10 in the semi-final and won the Championship game with 53:27 against the Barnim-Schule.
Congratulations to our boys and to our MVP Julian Hallmeier-Wacker!
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JFKS Children’s Flea Market on June 1!!

German-American Children’s Flea Market at JFKS

 on Sunday, June 1, 2014, 10 am-2 pm

The JFKS Parent Council organizes our yearly Children’s Flea Market (clothes, toys, books, baby supplies etc.).

The fee per table is 10€ plus a homemade cake. You have to bring your own table!!!

Set-up starts at 8.30 am, clean-up by 3 pm.

Cake, grilled goods and beverages will be available for purchase. The proceeds of the cake and beverages sale as well as the stand fees go to Parent Council projects. The grill is a fundraiser for the JFKS Odyssey of the Mind program.

The Flea Market will take place outside in any kind of weather!

Registration: Please register with Marion Patt by phone 033203-887288 or by e-mail .

Please feel free to pass on this information to friends, neighbours etc.!

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Important Info for ES Concerts on May 20 and 22

Tuesday, May 20, 19.00 – Kirche zur Heimat:

Suzuki Violins 
6th Grade Orchestra
5th and 6th Grade Choir
6th Grade Band
Jazz Band
Thursday, May 22, 19.00 – Kirche zur Heimat:
Young Composers Workshop
Recorder Ensembles
3rd and 4th Grade Choir
5th Grade Orchestra
Advanced Strings
5th Grade Band
Each performer has received 2 tickets for the concert that he/she is part of.  The seating capacity of the church is very limited.  Therefore, please understand that everyone (including small children) needs a ticket in order to gain entrance to the concert.  There will be no tickets available at the door.

We ask for your patience and understanding in this difficult situation.  This is (hopefully) a one-time situation, due to the current renovations of the large Aula.  

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JFKS Badminton Team WK III at the German Championships

Our Badminton Team WK III represented Berlin at the German Championships!
Kailey, Lars, Carlo, Philip, Liza
Feline, Ariane, Tyrese

German Champs WKIII

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JFKS Comenius Exhibit – Opening on May 5, 2014

audience copy catalog more copy Maja copy

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On Tuesday, 13 May,  the airlift veterans visited the JFKS and had the opportunity to tell their story to the students in different ES classes. The pilots are between 85 and 93 years old now. We certainly hope it was not their last visit. 
The students were very interested and spoke long with the veterans.  This did not stop at the reception in the library later on. Also some of the „children“ during the AIRLIFT were present too. Also they spoke about their experiences. 
It was a very moving encounter.
airlift-visit-2014-1 airlift-visit-2014-2 airlift-visit-2014-3 airlift-visit-2014-4 airlift-visit-2014-5 airlift-visit-2014-6 airlift-visit-2014-7
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ArtShowPoster2014Here are some of the pictures of the exhibition:

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10th Grade Open Campus

Beginning June 2, 2014, JFKS tenth graders who do not have instruction and who are in possession of a completed JFKS permission slip will have the privilege of leaving campus during period six (lunch) and the twenty minute break (13:05 – 13:25) .

The parental [icon name=“icon-arrow-right“] permission slip and student agreement must be completed, signed by the student’s homeroom teacher and must be in the student’s possession when leaving campus.

In the unfortunate event of misconduct, either on or off campus, the student may receive a misconduct report, a class conference, and/or the loss of this privilege.

Permission slips will be available for download on the school website (as well as on Google Drive via “” our student domain)   as of Tuesday, May 13th.

Students may use either the German or English version as a ½ sheet.

We believe in our students and expect they will responsibly use and enjoy this privilege.

Ab dem 2. Juni 2014 dürfen SchülerInnen der 10. Klassenstufe, die keinen Unterricht haben und im Besitz der schriftlichen Erlaubnis sind, in der 6. Stunde (Mittagspause) und der Pause danach (13:05 – 13:25) das Schulgelände verlassen.

Die [icon name=“icon-arrow-right“] Einverständniserklärung des Schülers / der Schülerin und der Eltern müssen vollständig ausgefüllt und unterschrieben und vom Klassenlehrer / der Klassenlehrerin gegengezeichnet sein. SchülerInnen müssen beim Verlassen des Schulgeländes im Besitz dieses Erlaubnisschreibens sein.

Im Falle von Missbrauch und anderem Fehlverhalten – sowohl auf dem Schulgelände als auch außerhalb des Schulgeländes –  können SchülerInnen einen Misconduct Report erhalten, der in eine Klassenkonferenz und in den Entzug dieser Erlaubnis münden kann.

Das Formular kann auf der Schulhomepage und auf Google Drive unter „“, ab Dienstag, den 13. Mai heruntergeladen werden.

SchülerInnen dürfen die englische oder die deutsche Version (die andere Hälfte abschneiden) bei sich führen.

Wir glauben an unsere SchülerInnen und hoffen, dass sie dieses Privileg mit Verantwortung nutzen und genießen werden.

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JFKS WK IV Berlin Basketball Champions

Introducing the JFK WK IV Berlin Basketball Champions for the 2013-2014 school year: Merlin D., Alex S., Bill B., Jack M., Richard W., Clara K., Jonah S., and Jan R.. Coaches Hoedt and Geary-Müller

JFKS WK IV Berlin Basketball Champions

JFKS WK IV Berlin Basketball Champions

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Berlin Doubles Tennis – JFKS team wins 2nd place

In the Doubles Tennis Tournament for Berlin elementary schools our JFKS-Team won 
the 2nd place citywide!
Congratulations to the following team members:
Sophia, Hendrik, Carlo, Jan, Amelie
Jonathan, Finnegan

tennis April 2014

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