Sad News: Alan Poland passed away

To the JFKS Community,

We regret having to announce that Alan Poland, a dear friend and former colleague, passed away on Sunday.  To those of us who knew him, he was the very heart of the music department and an integral part in the development of the program of which we are now so proud. 

While we recognize the fact that his loss touches a great many of you deeply and that you wish to express your sympathy, we ask you to understand that the school does not speak for his family and at the moment the primary concern is that they are able to deal with their grief in privacy and peace.

The school will be planning a memorial service, giving you the opportunity to share memories of Alan and to say good-bye to him in the company of those who cherish the time they had with him.  Specific information will follow when we know more.

For now, we are already missing the joy and warmth he brought to everything he did.

Reinhard Roth, Managing Principal

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Grundkurs Rowing Regatta – Friday November 7th 2014 – students from grade 11a, 11d 12a and 12d involved

Our students  represented our school in a rowing competition (Berliner Grundkursregatta in Spandau) on the Havel. They won eight out of nine races (mainly coxed quadruple skull heats) and I hope that wasn’t our last invitation to the regatta in Spandau!
Coach A.Schulze











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Deutsche Bahn Strike Affects S-Bahn Transportation

To the Students, Parents and Teachers of the JFKS Community,

Please be aware that due to the Deutsche Bahn strike planned for this Thursday through early Monday morning, the S-Bahn will not be running at all.  Everyone is encouraged to seek alternative means of transportation and plan your routes to school early using the BVG (buses and U-Bahn are unaffected by the strike), car pools, bicycles, etc. School hours will remain unchanged. However, late arrivals within reason due to the strike will be excused.

The JFKS Administration

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Musical „Into the Woods“ in November – Tickets online here!

Musical "Into the Woods" November 2014

Musical „Into the Woods“
November 2014

It’s musical time again. The High School Musical „Into the Woods“ will be performed in the large aula on

Tickets are € 7.00 for adults and € 5.00 for students.
Ticket reservation can be made here:     Musical Tickets

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Tischtennis-Kurs besucht Spiel der 1. Bundesliga



Mit bis zu 150 Umdrehungen in der Sekunde und bis zu 180 km/h Geschwindigkeit bewegt sich ein kleiner weißer Tischtennisball. 

Die Faszination der schnellsten Rückschlagsportart der Welt konnten die Kennedy-Schüler des Tischtennis-Kurses der Oberstufe am vergangenen Sonntag hautnah miterleben. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Sportlehrer besuchten sie das Spiel der 1. Damen-Bundesliga zwischen dem ttc berlin eastside und den Leutzscher Füchsen aus Leipzig. Dabei konnte ein deutlicher 6:0-Heimsieg des amtierenden deutschen Meisters, Pokalsiegers und Champions-League-Gewinners bejubelt werden. Außerdem wurde beobachtet, wie sich die
Spielerinnen auf das Spiel vorbereiten, welche unterschiedlichen Spielsysteme es gibt und wie der Vorhand-Topspin auf höchstem Niveau gespielt wird.

Es gab Spitzensport mit spannenden Ballwechseln zu bestaunen, die bei den Schülern im Kurs selbst nicht immer gelingen. Aber vielleicht wurde sich ja der ein oder andere Schlag aus der 1. Bundesliga abgeschaut, um in den kommenden Tischtennisstunden damit zu überraschen 😉
T. Kaufmann (Sportlehrer)


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Who was here before us? The John F. Kennedy School and their neighbors remember… / October 16, 18h

Wer war vor uns da? Die John-F. Kennedy-Schule und ihre Nachbarn erinnern sich: Der Zweite Weltkrieg und die Stunde Null

Zeitzeugen aus der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft unserer Schule berichten von ihren Erfahrungen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und danach. Wie war das damals? Wie und wo haben sie ganz persönlich diese Zeit erlebt?  Wie haben diese Erlebnisse ihr weiteres Leben geprägt?

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober, 2014, 18h
JFKS, Große Aula

(Achtung:  frühestens für Schüler ab der 4. Klasse geeignet, sofern sie entsprechendes Vorwissen und Interesse haben – Eltern sollten dieses sehr ernsthafte Thema mit ihren Kindern entsprechend vor- und nachbereiten)

Who was here before us? The John F. Kennedy School and its neighbors remember: The Second World War and the Zero Hour

Eyewitnesses from our schools immediate neighborhood share their experiences from during and after the Second World War. What happened? How and where did they personally experience this time? How has this influenced them later in life?

Thursday, October 16 2014, 18h
JFKS, Large Aula

(Beware: only suitable for students no younger than 4th grade and only if they have prior knowledge and interest in this very serious topic – parents should prepare and accompany them accordingly)


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Berlin Relay Finals – Staffeltag der Berliner Oberschulen – 1 October 2014 at Jahnstadion in Prenzlauer Berg

Our students did it again: 10 relay teams grade 7-12 (5 girl teams and 5 boy teams) competed last Wednesday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. against the best teams of all Berlin high schools. 6 teams could qualify for the finals.
Congratulations to all participants!
Coaches Kristin Aurich and Ralf Müller
Charlotte, Antonia, Kyra, Lilli 6.Pl 4x100m WKIII

Charlotte, Antonia, Kyra, Lilli 6.Pl 4x100m WKIII

Lea, Lilli, Charlotte 2.Pl 3x800m WKIII

Lea, Lilli, Charlotte 2.Pl 3x800m WKIII

Lilly, Antonia, Catherine 4.Platz 3x800m WKII

Lilly, Antonia, Catherine 4.Platz 3x800m WKII


Eboni, Chelsea, Lelana, Kasey 2.Platz 4x100m WK I

Eboni, Chelsea, Lelana, Kasey 2.Platz 4x100m WK I

Jonas, Michael, Julius 4.Pl 3x800m WKI

Jonas, Michael, Julius 4.Pl 3x800m WKI

Jordan, Michael, Julian, Lucas 8.Pl 4x100m WKI

Jordan, Michael, Julian, Lucas 8.Pl 4x100m WKI

Michael, Jonas, Julius 4.Pl 3x800m WKI

Michael, Jonas, Julius 4.Pl 3x800m WKI

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6th Grade class trip to the Harz

On a beautiful sunny morning, our JFKS 6th graders departed for their traditional Harz trip today.


Over 120 excited students and their teachers loaded their luggage into three large buses with Herr Roth, Mr. Pothen and Mr. Cortinas as well as a large group of parents seeing them off.


By 15h news had reached Berlin of their safe arrival, the wonderful weather in Braunlage and their first task of completing a scavenger hunt. More adventures to come…

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FUN DAY 2014 – Impressions

Once again the JFKS community celebrated a great Fun Day! Sunny weather and a wonderful atmosphere made it a special day for all:

FD14_3398          Special Fun Day Merchandise by the JFKS School Shop

DSC_1971           The 5th/6th Grade Choir opens the performance series at the Coffee House

FD14_3335 3rd Grade English MT Book Mark Sale

FD14_3359 Sunshine and fun…

FUNDAY PCB The old and the new Parent Council Board join forces at the PC booth

DSC_2003           Singing with Brianan unexpected musical reunion

FD14_3374 Quite a few parents, teachers and principals end up serving time in the 3rd grade jail

DSC_1991          JFKS Administrators unplugged: Reinhard Roth and Ted Anderson

FD14_3333 Tireless helpers: Custodians Hr. Gracner and Hr. Damman and others

FD14_3284         4th Grade smoothies

FD14_3310 American drinks and candy by the US Embassy CSA

FD14_3208 BERMUN International Food

FD14_3290 6th Grade fun pictures

FD14_3329 Nail painting

….. and so much more…. Looking forward to FUN DAY 2016!!!

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FUN DAY 2014 – Thank you!

A big thank you to all organizers, helpers and the whole JFKS community for making this once again such a special day!!


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