Elementary School Administration: Parent information about Eclipse on March 20

Dear Parents in the Elementary School,

This is a reminder that there will be early dismissal for students in entrance class – grade 6, this Friday, 20 March, at 10:35 hrs.

When planning this professional development workshop for the teachers, the administration was not aware that exactly at dismissal time, an eclipse of the sun would be taking place.

While this is a fascinating natural phenomenon to observe, it can also be dangerous to children’s developing eyes, especially when the children look directly into the sun.

The administration has come up with the following plan to cope with the eclipse and prevent students from looking directly at the sun:

  1. For children with eye problems already, parents are welcome to keep their children at home on 20 March, and the absence will be considered “excused”.
  1. If the weather is already cloudy and the sun is nowhere in sight, early dismissal will go as planned, students will be sent home on the buses and the children will go to Hort. The little recess at 9:40 – 9:50 for grades 1 and 2 will take place as usual.
  1. If the weather is clear, there will be no little recess for grades 1 and 2, and all students, grades Ec – 6, will be kept indoors, even past 10:35 if necessary.

Dismissal, departure of the busses, and the transfer to the Hort will be postponed until the administration thinks the situation is safe for the children to go outdoors. The children will be kept in their classrooms and supervised.

Thank you for your understanding of this unusual situation.


Reinhard Roth                                                                                     Steven Pothen

Geschäftsführender Schulleiter                                                    American Principal


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March 20 – Early Dismissal for all Elementary School Students

On Friday, March 20 2015, instruction for the elementary school students will end after the third hour at 10:35h. The school buses will run at 10:50h instead of  at 15:00h. Hort and Late Birds will take place as usual after instruction.

All ES teachers will be participating in a seminar about health and stress prevention until 16:00h.

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JFKS partnership with the Anne Frank Zentrum Berlin

On Friday, March 13th, the JFKS and the Anne Frank Zentrum in Berlin celebrated the signing of a partnership between the center and the JFKS 6th grade religion classes. The Anne Frank Zentrum is a partner organization of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Its main focus is to promote across Germany the memory of Anne Frank and her famous diary. The activities of the Anne Frank Zentrum seek to strengthen the values of freedom, equality and democracy and combat Antisemitism, racism and discrimination. The pedagogical programs are especially aimed at young people, who are encouraged to become more active citizens, more aware of their societal responsibilities and also to learn to make the most of their freedom to participate in society.

According to the agreement, each year, the 6th grade religion classes will participate in educational programs led by youth leaders who accompany and guide school classes through the exhibition and help explain it in a dialogue with the students. The exhibitions focus on the diary and life of Anne Frank and, via listening stations and portrait films, the dealings of young Berliners with current questions. The  The official signing took place during  an assembly with 5th and 6th graders, members of the JFKS administration and representatives from the Anne Frank Center.
For more  information about the Anne Frank Zentrum, please visit their homepage: http://www.annefrank.de/

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10th Grade Music: Workshop in Carnatic Vocal music with visiting artist Manickam Yogeswaran

10th Grade Music: Workshop in Carnatic Vocal music with visiting artist Manickam Yogeswaran – selected class periods in February and March, performance on March 27.

Manickam Yogeswaran conducts south Indian Carnatic vocal workshops for 10th grade music students in February and March, 2015 with a culminating lunchtime concert on March 27.

Manickam Yogeswaran conducts south Indian Carnatic vocal workshops for 10th grade music students in February and March, 2015 with a culminating lunchtime concert on March 27.

Manickam Yogeswaran shares tambura playing technique with a 10th grade music student.

Manickam Yogeswaran shares tambura playing technique with a 10th grade music student.


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8B and 8C Music Classes Present Musical Creations

Ms. Cook’s project assignment was general, broad, even vague:
Create something musical that has never existed
(and teach yourself something about one of the topics on our 8th grade music syllabus).
Here you find more of the students‘ creations: 8B and 8C music projects article

8B and 8C Music Classes Present Musical Creations

8B and 8C Music Classes Present Musical Creations

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Odyssey of the Mind German Finals – Congratulations to all JFKS Teams!

Congratulations to our eight teams who participated in the German Finals at JFKS on Saturday! Wonderful atmosphere, incredible creativity, great performances!

Between its eight teams (4 from the elementary school, 4 from the high school), JFKS won: 3x1st place, 2x2nd place, 1x3rd place, 1x4th place and 1x6th place.

Special Congratulations to JFKS Coach Eavan Schmidt-Bleek who received the Odyssey of the Mind Germany Coach of the Year Award for her years of dedication and great work!

A big thank you to all teams, coaches, organizers, officials and all other volunteers! Special thanks also to the HS String Quintet and Band for their wonderful performances during the opening and closing ceremonies!

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Odyssey of the Mind / German Finals at JFKS

The German Finals of ODYSSEY OF THE MIND take place on Saturday, February 28 at JFKS. Eight teams from the elementary and high school participate this year – please come and support them!

More information about Odyssey of the Mind at JFKS: Odyssey of the Mind


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Berliner Meistertitel im Badminton WK II

Wir gratulieren Valerie, Feline, Robin, Viktoria, Richard, Kailey, Kai, Caelin und Carlo herzlich zum Berliner Meistertitel im Badminton WK II und zum damit verbundenen Einzug ins Bundesfinale 2015!
Badminton WKII Feb 2015

Valerie, Feline, Robin, Viktoria, Richard, Kailey, Kai, Caelin, Carlo

Diese Leistung ist umso mehr hervorzuheben, als dass unsere Mannschaft ohne Nr. 1 +2 zur Vorrunde antreten musste. Erst für die beiden Endspiele gegen das Heinrich Schliemann Gymnasium und die Robert Havemann Schule standen Robin und Kai zur Verfügung. Sie mussten vormittags ihre Leistungskursklausuren schreiben und dann in Windeseile durch ganz Berlin reisen, um ihr Team im Halb- und Finale zu verstärken. Ohne die Beiden hätten wir den Sieg niemals geschafft! 
Coach Simone Kaiser
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JFKS Gymnasts Win Gold Medal in Berlin Gymnastics Competition

17 Feb 2015 — Fifteen students competed in the gymnastics competition “ Turnwettkampf der Berliner Schulen 2015”at the Sporthalle Schöneberg on Fasching Tuesday. They were excited to be part of this Berlin-wide event with over 150 gymnasts participating from 16 Berlin elementary schools.
Here are the results of the three JFK teams:
• 1st place (grades 4-6) — Sarah H., Emma P., Finley R., Jonah R., and Konstantin T.
• 5th place (grades 1-3) — June B., Meredith L., Chiara G., and Sophia P.
• 14th place (grades 4-6) — Ella D., Hannah C., Nina S., Emily M., and Cristina S.
All boys and girls had to perform a compulsory routine on five events – horizontal bar, vault, balance beam, parallel bars, and floor. Additionally, each team showed a synchronized floor exercise. For some of these students this was their first competition, and they did really well.  
Congratulations to all gymnasts – beginners to advanced –  and thank you to the parents and trainers for their support and time! 

B. Reinert 
Gymnastics Division of the Sport-Club JFKS Berlin e.V.

JFK Team Turnwettkampf

The JFK Gymnasts with coaches Alice and Sascha at the Schöneberg gym.
Back to front: Ella D., Nina S., Cristina S., Emily M., Sarah H., Emma P., Hanna C., Konstantin T., Finley R., Jonathan R., Chiara G., June B., Sophia P., and Meredith L.

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JFKS National Honor Society Benefit Concert 26 Feb 2015

Join us for  the JFKS National Honor Society’s annual benefit concert. All proceeds will go to the Tagbilaran Elementary School in Bohol, Philippines, which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan and a subsequent earthquake. 
This concert is part of a larger JFKS NHS Berlin/Tagbilaran Project, in which NHS members are writing letters and developing relationships with fifth grade Filipino students in Bohol. 
The concert is on 26 February at 18:00 in the Large Aula. JFKS students, alumni, and faculty will perform. Food and drink will be served. 
5€ adults / 4€ under 18. You may buy tickets in advance or at the door. 
benefit poster 2015
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