JFKS High School teachers invited to serve as AP test readers

JFKS has a very special and rare occurrence this year. Three of our high school AP teachers have been selected and invited to come to the U.S. in June to serve as AP test readers. Being selected as a reader is a high honor and means that our teachers will be among a select panel to grade tests on a national and global scale. 
Our outstanding „AP teacher – readers“ this year are: Daniel Lazar, Phil Blessman, and Ellen Mangiamele. 
Daniel Lazar has been teaching AP United States History and AP Comparative Government for over a decade and will be reading AP Comparative Government exams in June. This is his first time as an AP Reader, he is grateful to all those who have assessed his students‘ exams in the past, and he is proud to serve the AP community and mission in Salt Lake City.
Physics teacher Phil Blessman will serve as a reader for the AP Physics exam in  Kansas City, MO in June. Phil joined the JFKS faculty in August after teaching at a variety of US schools for the previous 19 years. He has been teaching AP Physics for the past sixteen years and is in his sixth year of serving as an AP reader and question writer.
Ellen Mangiamele has been teaching Advanced Placement English courses since 2002 and has served as an exam reader for five years. She will travel to Louisville, KY in June to read AP Literature exams. 
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5e: Gender Workshop at the Jugendmuseum Schöneberg

On April 16 and 17 the students of class 5e and their teacher, Christiane Ontrop, went to the Jugendmuseum Schöneberg for a workshop on gender.

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Thursday, April 23, from 7 pm to 9.30 pm in the Aula
We are having a FIESTA! Explore Spain through stories, food, music and art! Learn to dance salsa and merengue and eat delicous tapas! Come learn more about the JFKS Spanish program and exchange possibilities. This is a family event – all are welcome! 
spanish flag
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Spring Cleaning: A big thank you to all volunteers!

On Friday, April 17, a large group of parents, students and administrators spent the sunny afternoon giving the school and campus a spring cleaning. They swept leaves, picked up trash, cleaned windows, doors and floors. 

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The VEREIN: New Bike Stands Installed

The long awaited, long promised new bike stands have been installed in front of the blue High School building.
All students, teachers and parents are encouraged to please use them!


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The VEREIN: 340 tufted pansies planted

Over Easter Break a new flower bed with 340 tufted pansies has been planted around the new tree in front of Haus Reil:


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JFKS Spring cleaning on April 17 – Parent Volunteers needed

JFKS Spring Cleaning:

Please sign-up on the doodle sent out by the Parent Council!

Friday, 17 April, 15:00 – 19:00 hrs: 

Parents are invited to come to school starting at 15:00 to help tidy up the school and campus. There will be an assignments desk under the Kennedy portrait in the foyer, where parents can volunteer. Please bring your own bucket, soap, glass cleaner, sponges, scrubbers, single edge razor blades and paper towels. The goals will be:
1. to clean the all of the outside doors (inside and out), removing old tape and dirt,
2. to clean all of the inside metal and class doors, which separate the different parts of the building, removing old tape and dirt,
3. clean the toilets as needed,
4. sweep the Hof as needed (brooms available from the Hausmeister).
5. cleaning and disguising miscellaneous black holes. 
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges visiting team for accreditation will be starting their visit officially on Sunday, 19 April, with a complete tour of the campus. Let’s be „house proud“ and ensure that JFKS looks good.
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From the ES Administration / E-mail addresses hacked

Dear Community Members,

The email addresses of Herr Reinhard Roth and Mr. Steven Pothen were hacked on Tuesday morning, 7 April. Both principals regret the inconvenience and ask that the attachment is not opened and the email is deleted.

Thank you for your understanding!
The JFKS Administration

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ES Faculty Workshop „Stress Management“

On Friday, March 20, from 11-15.30h, the ES Faculty participated in a workshop on „Stress Management“:

image (1)

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8th Grade Ski Trip – Buses will arrive today at about 5:30 p.m. at school

Bruck am Ziller, Austria (8-20 March)

16 March 2015 Ski Trip Update:

7:45 Alarm Clock Applause

Each night before sleeping, Ms. Lyon asks her students what their “high” and “low” of the day was.  The most consistent response she has heard this year is, “I love skiing.”  Many other teachers have heard a similar echo.  The favorable weather conditions of sunshine and good snow have enabled significant improvement in student skiing.  Among other highs, Ms. Lyon’s students have spoken of their enjoyment of the evening entertainment such as the show by singer-songwriter Mr. Weiss, a talent show, cat walk, and two dances—both opportunities for up-and-coming deejays a chance to try their new beats.  Perhaps most importantly, the students are meeting new people, forging deeper friendships, creating a better class community for their JFKS future, and learning some of the responsibilities that independence from parental oversight demands.

Nevertheless, no day with 125 students goes without a “low.”  There have been some unwanted injuries and sickness that each ski groups of this size have unfortunately experienced over the last 30 years.  There is too the low of sleeping in the same room with a friend’s fragrant socks: a rancor that is only partially forgotten by the pungent perfume of the freshly fertilized fields surrounding the guesthouse. And there too is the ever taxing daily social schedule and physical challenges.  Each morning and night after the meal, there are a series of announcements regarding the schedule and any newsworthy affairs.  Although the average 8th grader would rather hibernate like a bear through the winter, or at least not rise until the bright sun has long ago tried to cajole them to get out of bed, the entire group erupted in applause when they discovered that for their second ski-free-day they would be allowed to sleep until 7:45 in the morning.  The extra 45 minutes of sleep was almost too good to be true.

In short, there have highs, and there have been lows.  And, in short, we teachers believe that these memorable experiences will help foster a closer community to help this 8th grade class better meet the academic and adolescent challenges that await their future at JFKS and beyond.

Here is the report from Thursday night.  After three lovely days of skiing, most of the beginning students are already using the lifts and the advanced students are learning new skills and becoming better skiers.  
Today´s ski-free day provided several non-skiing events, in order to give all of our skiing muscles a little break.  Many students went swimming, some went on a nature hike up to a gorgeous mountain lookout, and other students went into the village of Fügen to shop.  In the afternoon some boys and girls got to do a special activity offered by the Wintersteller host family–making homemade body creams from beeswax, lavender, Johanniskraut, and olive oil.  Students even got to take some home.
making Body Lotion

making Body Lotion

Tomorrow we ski again, with each teacher taking a new skiing group.  We feel  that by changing instructors, students have the opportunity to learn new skills from a different teacher.  Therefore, on to new adventures tomorrow!

Report from Tuesday evening:
We have enjoyed two beautiful days of skiing with lots of sunshine and good snow conditions.  
Many students who started as beginners used the lift for the first time today.   
8a and 8b have provided two fun filled evenings of entertainment.  
We were treated to Kaiserschmarrn, an Austria dessert, this evening.  
Everyone is healthy and we have had only one injury.

JFKS 8th Grade Ski Trip 2015

JFKS 8th Grade Ski Trip 2015

JFKS 8th Grade Ski Trip 2015

JFKS 8th Grade Ski Trip 2015

On Sunday (March 8th) morning our 8th graders together with their teachers left Berlin for the ski trip to Austria.
At 5 p.m. the buses arrived in Bruck (SMS from 17:36). Everything is fine.

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