Music Orientation Night for 4th Graders

Thursday, 18.June, 2015, 19:00
JFKS Large Aula

Parents of 4th Graders – Mark your calendars for this very important event.
5th Graders at the John F. Kennedy School have a number of choices in music and elective courses. Parents and students are sometimes bewildered by all of the options when faced with them all at once during the first week of school.
The music department is offering an orientation to the numerous music offerings available to 5th graders for the 2015-16 school year. On the evening of Thursday, June 18, the music teachers will present the choices to current 4th graders and their parents.

Topics we will address at the orientation meeting include:

  • An overview of music offerings for 5th graders – general, instrumental and choral music
  • A chance to meet the teacher of each 5th grade music course or activity
  • An introduction to 5th grade instrumental music program
  • A chance to play some of the instruments 5th graders can learn to play in our schoolʼs beginning instrument program – clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello and more
  • Opportunities to pre register for music courses or activities for the upcoming year
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A Midsummer Night’s Dream“ by Class 4b – June 17 and 18

Shakespeare’s „A Midsummer Night’s Dream“
Performed by JFKS class 4b


Wednesday, June 17th,   13:00
Thursday, June 18th, 18:00  (followed by Music orientation evening at 19:00 in the large Aula)

Where: Small Aula

The students have been rehearsing for months under the direction of 4b parent and opera singer Laura Aikin with the help of her son Marcello and friends.

A big thank you goes to Laura and Ms. Beebe for taking on such a challenge!!!

Please come and enjoy the event.

Entrance is free, donations are welcome in order to cover the costs for scripts, props and costumes!!!

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JFKS Children Flea Market on May 31

The annual JFKS Children Flea Market will take place on May 31st. Register by mail to:


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JFKS welcomes Fort Collins exchange students!

From May 31 to June 10, 2015, 29 students and three teachers from Fort Collins will visit Berlin and JFKS. They’re returning the visit of JFKS 5th and 6th graders who spent ten days with them in Fort Collins earlier this year.

Foto (2)

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INVENT A CHIP – Max Hentges qualified

Mikrochipentwicklung für sicheres Radfahren
Max Hentges qualifiziert sich für die Praxisphase von „INVENT a CHIP“

Das sichere und intelligente Fahrrad soll bald Wirklichkeit werden. Max Hentges (14) möchte mit seiner Mikrochipentwicklung die tägliche Fahrt mit dem Rad zur Schule sicherer und informativer machen. Die Idee kam ihm auf dem Schulweg: „Die Autos in meiner Straße fahren viel zu nah an mir vorbei“, sagt der Radfahrer. Mit einem optischen und akustischen Signal soll zukünftig vor zu nahen Autos gewarnt werden. Geplant sind auch weitere Informationen über die Umweltbelastung durch den Autoverkehr und den Betriebszustand des Fahrrads.

Max Hentges hat sich mit seiner Idee in einem großen Feld von Mitbewerbern behauptet. Er gehört nun zu den 12 ausgewählten Teams bzw. Einzelteilnehmern, die bei INVENT a CHIP ihre eigenen Ideen als Mikrochipanwendung umsetzen. Auf dem zweieinhalbtägigen Workshop Anfang Mai am Institut für Mikroelektronische Systeme der Leibniz Universität Hannover hat Max alles rund ums komplexe und spannende Thema Chipdesgn von den Profis gelernt. Bis Mitte September hat er jetzt Zeit für seine individuelle Chipentwicklung. Er steht weiterhin im Austausch mit den Experten aus Hannover und den anderen bundesweiten Schüler-Teams. Am 26. Oktober werden die besten Entwürfe auf dem Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress in Karlsruhe der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

 INVENT a CHIP ist der jährliche gemeinsame Schülerwettbewerb des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und des VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik, der jungen Menschen die Chance gibt, sich früh mit technischen Innovationen auseinanderzusetzen. Rund 2.700 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen acht bis dreizehn von allgemein- und berufsbildenden Schulen in ganz Deutschland haben im Jahr 2015 die 20 Fragen rund um Mikroelektronik und die Welt der Chips beantwortet und sich mit knapp 400 Ideen für die Praxisphase der Chipentwicklung beworben.

Weitere Informationen zum Wettbewerb unter:

INVENT a CHIP-Schülerworkshop 2015 INVENT a CHIP-Schülerworkshop 2015


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JFKS Rams – Elementary School Team 1 gets Bronze in Basketball Competition

The JFKS Rams fifth and sixth grade team powered to third place in the fist league finals of the Berlin elementary schools basketball competition. On Saturday May 9, the Rams won three of four games at group level to move into the quarter finals. They won that but lost to the Bäke School in the semi-finals. The Rams then won the play-off for third place.

Jan, Richard, Tarek, Liam, Ayodeji and Malka, played great basketball.  Jan always ran forward to get the ball on fast breaks, while Liam as a good forward liked to slow the ball and attack with tricks, power and motivation. Each member of the team was different and yet everyone had something to contribute. Team members got along very well and motivated each other. They were in harmony and cheered each other on. They didn’t yell at each other if someone lost the ball while dribbling or didn’t make a basket.

The Rams’ coach, Andreas Nagel, deserves a special mention for his encouragement and for supporting the decisions the team make on the court. His calmness gave the Rams confidence and stopped the players from getting nervous. This was one important reason why the team did better than expected. After the Rams came a strong second in their group, Herr Nagel said the team could make it into the top three with the Hausburgschule and the Bäke Schule. And we did, coming in behind Bäke (silver) and Hausburgschule (gold)!

Also participating in this final tournament was JFK II. A big thank you to Herr Mayer for coaching the team. The team worked and played hard reaching fourth place. A big thank you goes out to the seven players finding time to participate in this weekend event. Thanks to: Alicia, Paul, Patrick, Finn, Antonin and Julius. A job well done.

Special thanks to Mrs. Geary-Müller for organizing and teaching the whole season and Jim for his great coaching.

(Richard Wiesmann)

Elementary BB Team 1 2015

Elementary BB Team 1 2015


Elementary BB Team 1 2015

Elementary BB Team 1 2015

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On Thursday, May 7,  JFKS held a reception for the French exchange students from the Lycee Saint-Charles. There was a delicious buffet provieded by the parents of classes 9a and 9 b, a wonderful performance of the chanson „Vous etes formidable“ by 9a with strings, guitar and keyboard, a speech by Mr. Salzer and Herr Heinsohn and many guests in a festive mood. Unfortunately the French guests will have to leave already on Tuesday – their nine days in Berlin were far too short.

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Badmintonteam WK II represented JFKS and Berlin in the German Championships

Unser Badmintonteam WK II vertrat als Landessieger nicht nur die JFKS, sondern auch das Land Berlin bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften! Hier trafen wir auf die besten Teams der anderen Bundesländer und spielten gegen Bundesligaspieler, Deutsche Meister und Europameister!
Wir sind stolz auf Eure erfolgreiche Teilnahme:
Bundesfinale Badminton 2015

Bundesfinale Badminton 2015

Carlo, Kai, Robin, Coach Simone Kaiser, Kailey, Feline, Caelin, Valerie, Liza
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New Grand Piano for the JFKS Large Aula

The Kennedy School recently acquired a new grand piano (Flügel) for the main floor of the large Aula.  The maker of the instrument is Bösendorfer, one of the best and most respected manufacturers of pianos in the world.  It was purchased from Frau Ingrid Flindell, the widow of the recently deceased Mr. Flindell, an American musicologist and music teacher, who spent most of his life in Berlin.  The music department is very thrilled with the progress this represents and looks forward to many many years of playing and hearing this exquisite instrument in both solo and accompanying roles.  
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The VEREIN: JFK School Shop – Limited Edition JFKS bags

Please visit the JFK School Shop on Wednesdays 12.15-15.30h and check out the new bags and other new merchandise!


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