JFKS Rowing Team won their Berlin wide competition

On the Regatta on June 30th our JFKS Rowing Team won their Berlin wide competition and qualified for the German Final of „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“ in September (first time ever for a JFKS team).
Regatta 30 June 2015

Regatta 30 June 2015

Robert, Philip, Konstantin, Henri, Jason
(Coach: Arnold Schulze)
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Tennis Team der JFKS wurde Berliner Meister 2015!

Ein weiterer großer Erfolg war der Gewinn des BerlinerLandesfinales im Tennis!

Bei den spannenden Endspielen auf der Anlage des SCC gelang unserem Team der Sieg über die Waldschule Charlottenburg. Da wir vorher gegen das Schadow Gymnasium knapp unterlagen, die Waldschule dieses aber besiegte, entschied der direkte Vergleich zu unseren Gunsten: das Tennis Team der JFKS wurde Berliner Meister 2015!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an:



Gunter,   Carlo,   Jonathan
    Helen,       Amelie
Coach Simone Kaiser
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Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen gewinnt den 3. Platz in Berlin

Nachdem unserSchwimmteam der 3. Klassen im Bezirk Steglitz / Zehlendorf den 2. Platz gewonnen hatte, qualifizierte es sich dadurch für das Berlin Finale!

Hier gelang ihnen das eigentlich Unmögliche: die 7 Mädchen und 7 Jungen verbesserten sich bei den 4 verschiedenen Staffeln nochmals um insgesamt 20 Sekunden und erzielten dadurch den       3. Platz in Berlin!!!
Dies bedeutet Schulrekord in der Geschichte der JFKS!
Ich bin unfassbar stolz auf:
3. Klassen Schwimmteam

3. Klassen Schwimmteam

Albert, Linus, Yona, Moritz, Gesine, Hannah, Lucia, Darnell
    Alessandra, Lucy, Amelie, Franka,                 Mika, Tyler
Coach Simone Kaiser
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August 19: Orientation Day for all new JFKS families and all 7th graders

Orientation Day on Friday, August 19

1. Orientation program for all new JFKS students in grades 1-12 and their parents starting at 13.30h in the Large Aula with general information for new parents. Afterwards new elementary school students and their parents will have a chance to meet their homeroom teacher and see their classroom. New high school students take part in the high school orientation program starting at 13.15 and ending at 4 – 4:30 p.m, their parents are welcome, but not required, to stay until then as well. There will be information including school catering, school bus, after school care, as well as campus tours and refreshments offered.

Please note that the Entrance Class has a separate orientation program that does not take place on that day.

2. Orientation program for ALL 7th graders (without parents), 13.15-16.30h, starting in the Small Aula. They will receive their schedules and homeroom placement, their lockers (if their parents are VEREIN members, please remember to bring 10€ deposit) and more useful information for their start in high school. If you haven’t pre-ordered and paid for a JFKS planner yet but would like one, please bring an extra 12€ to buy one at the table in front of Haus Reil.




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3.Platz bei den Berliner Beachhandball-Schulmeisterschaften

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 3.Platz bei den Berliner Beachhandball-Schulmeisterschaften für Jessica, Lily, Deia, Nina, Cheryl, Jaimee, Olivia und Kasey
Coach Kristin Aurich
Beachhandball 2015

Beachhandball 2015

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Lotterie für Spanisch in der 7. Klasse für das Schuljahr 2015-16

Am Montag fand die Lotterie für Spanisch in der 7. Klasse für das Schuljahr 2015-16 statt.

Die Eltern der Schüler, die sich für Spanisch beworben haben, werden in den nächsten Tagen durch die Schulleitung der Oberschule über das Ergebnis informiert.

Unter diesem Link finden Sie das offizielle Protokoll der Lotterie:

Spanisch Lotterie 2015-16 Offizielles Protokoll

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JFKS Schüler beim Besuch der Queen

Am Mittwoch, den 24. Juni, begleitete Ms. Rising eine Gruppe von JFKS Schülern zum Besuch der Queen in Berlin.







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JFKS students get to see the Queen

On Wednesday, June 24, Ms. Rising took a group of JFKS students to participate in the Queen’s visit to Berlin. 






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Lottery for Spanish in 7th grade for 2015-16

On Monday the for Spanish in 7th grade for school year 2015-16 has taken place.

The parents of all students who applied for Spanish in 7th grade will be notified of the results by the HS administration within the next few days.

To read the official minutes please click here:

Spanish Lottery 2015-16 Official Minutes

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Piano Dedication Concert on Tuesday, June 23 at 19.00 in the large Aula

Bösendorfer Grand Piano

Bösendorfer Grand Piano

The music department would like to invite the JFKS community to a wonderful event. On Tuesday, June 23 at 19.00 in the large Aula, we will officially welcome our newly acquired Bösendorfer Grand Piano. This instrument is a fantastic addition to our Aula, to our music department and to JFKS. The evening´s program will feature JFKS students, teachers, alumni and parents and showcase the instrument in its solo and accompanying capacities.

The piano was purchased from Frau Ingrid Flindell, widow of Edwin Frederick Flindell (1926-2014), an American who spent most of his professional career teaching music at the Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin. In addition to several stints at American universities, he was published arranger of choral works and writer of music books and articles. To find out more about Dr. Flindell and the Bösendorfer, please join us at this exciting recital.

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