Parent Evenings 2017-2018 – Update!!

Please note the dates for the first parent evenings of school year 2017-18 – there have been a few changes, please double-check. This is the final version!

Entrance Class Parent Information Evening

Thursday, 24 Aug., 19:00 Large Aula

Parent Evenings

Tuesday, 5 Sept.,       Grades 5+6,  19:00 Large Aula, later: classrooms 

Thursday, 07 Sept.,  Grades 3+4, 3rd grade: classrooms / 4th grade: 19:00 Large Aula

Monday, 11 Sept.,     Grades 1+2, 19:00 classrooms

Tuesday, 12 Sept.,    Grades 9+10,  19:00 Large Aula for introduction, 19:20: classrooms

Thursday, 14 Sept.,  Entrance Class, 19:00 classrooms

                                   Grades 7 + 8, 19:00 Large Aula for introduction, 19:20: classrooms

                                   Grades 11 + 12, 19:30 Large Aula for Parent Rep. elections

Note: 7th and 8th grade parents will leave the Large Aula by 19.15h, 11th and 12th grade parents are asked to enter the Aula AFTER 19.20h 

The first PARENT COUNCIL MEETING for all elected Parent Representatives is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 September, at 19:00 in the large Aula.

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Welcoming the new JFKS Administrators

The JFKS community welcomes the new members of the school administration:

Magdalena Ohlendorf, Acting German ES Principal and
David Krupski, Assistant American HS Principal

Steffen Schulz, JFKS HS teacher and Oberstufenkoordinator has taken over as Acting German HS Principal

American HS Principal Brian Salzer has been elected by his colleagues to be the new Managing Director.

The contact information for the JFKS Administration can be found in the top right menu:


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Elementary School / First Day of School on Monday, August 21, 2017

Grades 1-6 start school on Monday, 21 August at 8:05 h.

Grades 2, 4 and 6 have the same classrooms as last year and can go there directly.

Grade 1: Teachers will meet the students inside the main gate and take them to their new classrooms.

Grade 3: There will be tables with the new class lists and the new teachers outside.

Grade 5: The new class lists including homeroom teacher and classroom will be posted outside or in the red building entrance way.

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High School / First Day of School on Monday, August 21, 2017

Grades 7-10

Grade 7 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8 A.M. (per 1)
Grade 8 should report to the SMALL AULA at 8:52 (per 2)
Grade 9 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8:52 (per 2)

Grade 10 should report to their homeroom teachers at 8:52. Room assignments will be on the monitors in the Blue and White buildings.

Grades 11-12:

Diploma and Abitur students get schedules in time to report to period 4 class at 10:37.
Diploma students: Haus Reil
Abitur students: Herr Schulz (W115) and Herr Wiechert (W116).

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August 18: Orientation Day for all new JFKS families and all 7th graders

Orientation Day on Friday, August 18

1. Orientation program for all new JFKS students in grades 1-12 and their parents starting at 13.30h in the Large Aula with general information for new parents. Afterwards new elementary school students and their parents will have a chance to meet their homeroom teacher and see their classroom.

New high school students take part in the high school orientation program starting at 13.15 and ending at 4 – 4:30 p.m, their parents are welcome, but not required, to stay until then as well.

There will be information including school catering, school bus, after school care, as well as campus tours and refreshments offered.

Please note that the Entrance Class has a separate orientation program that does not take place on that day.

2. Orientation program for ALL 7th graders (without parents), 13.15-16.30h, starting in the Small Aula. They will receive their schedules and homeroom placement, their lockers (if their parents are VEREIN members, please remember to bring 10€ deposit) and more useful information for their start in high school. If you haven’t pre-ordered and paid for a JFKS planner yet but would like one, please bring an extra 12€ to buy one at the table in front of Haus Reil.

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Contacting JFKS during Summer vacation: 3 July-18 August, 2017

It’s summer vacation time at JFKS from 3 July – 18 August and during this time our offices will not be occupied. That does not mean, however, that we are not here to serve you.

Ms. Annika von Maydell in our Welcome Office is here to answer any questions you may have concerning the John F. Kennedy School community. Please do not hesitate to contact her with your questions about the admissions process or about getting settled in Berlin. You can reach her at 
We want you to feel welcome and happy at JFKS and in Berlin and look forward to serving you!

Are you a new family joining the JFKS community in August? If so, then please click here: JFKS Digital Parent Handbook You can find all the information you will need while becoming acquainted with the school.

If you are a new US Embassy family arriving in Berlin, and you need a school for your children, JFKS is the place to be. We offer a fully accredited American program set within the context of a bilingual, bicultural German-American school. Please contact Racso Cortinas at , for more information. Your children do receive priority in the admissions process and places have been reserved for them.

Telephones will not be answered between 3 July and 18 August. Our school offices will reopen on 21 August. If you have an urgent question needing an answer, please contact our Welcome Office at  

In almost all cases, the admissions process for school year 2017-18 has been completed, and families have been informed. We sincerely regret that we do not have any other free spaces. Specific questions related to whether your child will be admitted can only be answered once the school offices reopen on 21 August. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Please note that applications for school year 2018-19 will only be accepted as of 1 September 2017 (for Grades 1-12), and as of 1 October 2017 (for Entrance Class).

Our addresses:

By post: Admissions
John F. Kennedy School
Teltower Damm 87-93
14167 Berlin, Germany

By email:

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JFKS Gymnasts win 8th Place at the Bundesfinale JTFO – Gerätturnen 2017

JFKS Gymnasts win 8th Place at the Bundesfinale JTFO – Gerätturnen 2017 
The JFKS Boy Gymnastics Team represented Berlin at the Bundesfinale on May 4, 2017 after winning the 2017 Berlin finals of  “Jugend Trainiert für Olympia – Gerätturnen 2017 – WK IV” in March.
The team with Cristina, Ella, Finley, Jonah, and Konstantin competed with the top fifteen school teams of Germany, and the JFKS students finished with a fantastic 8th place, defeating seven Bundesländer, among them Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen, and the Saarland. Like in previous years, the first and second place went to sports schools in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.
The seventh graders were overjoyed to finish among the top ten, and the happy faces were proof that their results had by far exceeded their expectations.  Congratulations to all and a big thank you to the coaches!
There is a film by a Berlin TV station available here featuring the competition and the gymnasts. See also previous post „High School Gymnasts win Gold and Silver at “Jugend Trainiert für Olympia”
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Berlin Finale: 3. Platz für unser Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen

Berlin-Finale am 14. Juni 2017
Unser Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen hat beim Berlin-Finale den 3. Platz belegt.
Herzlichen Grlückwunsch!
Unser Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen hat unter 17 Grundschulen in Steglitz-Zehlendorf den 1. Platz erreicht!
Nun werden wir beim Berlin-Finale am 14.6.17 die JFKS und unseren Bezirk vertreten!
Wir freuen uns auf dieses wichtige Ereignis und auf so viel Unterstützung wie möglich!
Gratulation an:
Felix   Louisa  Mathilda  Cecilia  Ben  Adenoah  Basti
     Luise    Henriette       Mia      Ida  Karsten  Leo  David
Simone Kaiser
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JFKS Schüler singen bei der Feier zum 100. Geburtstag von JFK vor dem Rathaus Schöneberg

Am Montag, den 29. Mai 2017, feierte Berlin den 100. Geburstag von John F. Kennedy vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus, wo er 1963 seine berühmte „Ich bin ein Berliner!“-Rede gehalten hat. Die John-F.-Kennedy-Schule wurde von einer High School A-cappella Gruppe unter der Leitung von Lori Cook vertreten, mit einem wunderschönen musikalischen Beitrag zu dieser Zeremonie, bei der u.a. der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin Michael Müller, der DCM der US Botschaft Jeffrey M. Hovenier und die Schöneberger Bürgermeisterin Angelika Schöttler sprachen.



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Berlin Finals: 3rd Place for our 3rd Grade Swim Team

Berlin Finals on June 14, 2017
Our 3rd grade swim team won 3rd place at the Berlin Finals!
Our 3rd grade swim team won 1.Place out of 17 elementary schools in Steglitz/Zehlendorf!
Now we are going to represent JFKS and our district at the Berlin Finals on Wednesday, 14.06.17!
We are looking forward to this important event and for as much support as possible!
Congratulations to:
Felix   Louisa  Mathilda  Cecilia  Ben  Adenoah  Basti
     Luise    Henriette       Mia      Ida  Karsten  Leo  David
Simone Kaiser
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