JFKS Students sing at JFK’s 100th birthday celebration at Rathaus Schöneberg

On Monday, May 29, 2017 Berlin celebrated John F. Kennedy’s 100th birthday in front of Rathaus Schöneberg where he gave his famous „Ich bin ein Berliner!“speech in 1963. The John F. Kennedy School was represented by a High school A-cappella group led by Lori Cook and made a beautiful musical contribution to the ceremony which also included speeches by Berlin Mayor Michael Müller, US Embassy DCM Jeffrey M. Hovenier and Berlin-Schöneberg mayor Angelika Schöttler.


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JFKS ES Basketball team erreicht 3. Platz im Finale der Berliner Schulliga

Unser Grundschul-Basketballteam hat sehr gut gespielt und beendete die Finalrunde der Berliner Schulliga mit dem 3. Platz. Dies sind die vier besten Teams:
1. Alba Hausburg
2. Alba Kollwitz
4. GS am Buschgraben
…von 13 Schulen im All Star Level.

Wir gratulieren herzlich und danken allen Spielern und Coaches!

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JFKS ES Basketball team wins 3rd place in the Berlin School League Final

Our Elementary School BASKETBALL TEAM performed very well and finished with a fantastic THIRD PLACE  in the „Final Round Berlin School League“:
Here are the four BEST TEAMS:
1. Alba Hausburg
2. Alba Kollwitz
4. GS am Buschgraben
…Out of 13 schools in All Star Level.
Congratulations to all and THANKS to players and coaches!

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“Remembering Dr. Darryl Hersant” Evening – 15. Juni 2017

“Remembering Dr. Darryl Hersant” Evening

Wo?  (where?):   Alter Krug Dahlem (U Dahlem Dorf), large room inside

Wann? (When?):  18:00 bis 22:00, Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2017

Did you know Dr. Hersant as a teacher? A colleague?  Did you know Darryl as an advisor? A mentor? A dear friend?  Many of us who knew him are shocked and saddened to lose him.  An informal gathering has been planned to join together, tell stories about Darryl, celebrate his life, and grieve together.

Come join us for all or part of the time at the Alter Krug.  The only formal part of the evening will be a short group toast  at 20:00 to Darryl, led by Kerstin Buse and Chris Weiss.

Please write Chris an email () if you know you will be there, so Chris can reserve a room large enough.  All are welcome.

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“Remembering Dr. Darryl Hersant” Evening – June 15, 2017

“Remembering Dr. Darryl Hersant” Evening

Wo?  (where?):   Alter Krug Dahlem (U Dahlem Dorf), large room inside

Wann? (When?):  18:00 bis 22:00, Thursday., June 15, 2017

Did you know Dr. Hersant as a teacher? A colleague?  Did you know Darryl as an advisor? A mentor? A dear friend?  Many of us who knew him are shocked and saddened to lose him.  An informal gathering has been planned to join together, tell stories about Darryl, celebrate his life, and grieve together.

Come join us for all or part of the time at the Alter Krug.  The only formal part of the evening will be a short group toast  at 20:00 to Darryl, led by Kerstin Buse and Chris Weiss.

Please write Chris an email () if you know you will be there, so Chris can reserve a room large enough.  All are welcome.

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9. Klasse: Frankreich-Austausch mit Saint Brieuc

In großer Aufregung und Vorfreude trafen sich 25 Schüler der neunten Klasse, um nach Paris zu fliegen, und am gleichen Tag mit dem Zug nach Saint Brieuc weiterzureisen. Die Eltern freuen sich, dass die Gruppe gut vorbereitet von Mme Sgustav und Mme de Tarr begleitet wird und bei dem neuntägigen Aufenthalt in französischen Familien nicht nur die französische Sprache, sondern auch Teile der schönen Bretagne und der Normandie kennen lernt.

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9th grade French Exchange with Saint Brieuc

25 JFKS 9th graders are looking forward to their French exchange on their way to Saint Brieuc.

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April 2017 – Official Memorandum of Understanding zwischen JFKS und Trinity High School

Official Memorandum of Understanding verbindet JFKS mit der Partnerschule Trinity High School in Euless, Texas.“ – April 2017

Hier ist das Dokument zu lesen: MOU-Hurst-Euless-2017.pdf

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April 2017 – Official Memorandum of Understanding between JFKS and Trinity High School

Official Memorandum of Understanding unites JFKS with sister-school Trinity High School in Euless, Texas.“ – April 2017

You can read the document here: MOU-Hurst-Euless-2017.pdf

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JFKS Campus Garden Work Day am 22. April

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