Grade 7 should report to the LARGE Aula at 8:00 (1st period).

Grade 8 should report to the SMALL Aula at 8:52 (2nd period).

Grade 9 should report to the LARGE Aula at 8:52 (2nd period).

Grade 10 should report to their homeroom teachers at 8:52.
Room assignments will be on the monitors in the Blue and White buildings.

Grades 11-12:
Diploma and Abitur students pick up their schedules during 3rd period and report to their 4th period class at 10:37.

Schedule pick up locations:
Diploma students: Haus Reil
Abitur students: Frau Krüger (W115) and Herr Wiechert (W116).




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New Student Orientation – Friday, Aug. 17

August 17 (Friday) is Orientation Day at JFKS! See below for specific times and instructions for both Elementary and High School.

HIGH SCHOOL – new students in grades 8-12 and all students beginning grade 7!
The high school orientation begins at 13:15 and ends around 16:00 – 16:30 on Friday, August 17th. JFKS student helpers will meet new students in the courtyard and guide them to the correct locations.

Please bring 10 EUR for the locker deposit (must be a member of the VEREIN), and an additional 12.50 EUR if interested in purchasing a JFKS planner.  Students will receive their schedules and homeroom placement, their lockers and more useful information for their start in high school.

HIGH SCHOOL – new parents (grades 7-12)
Parents of new high school students are invited to attend the orientation beginning at 13:30 in the Large Aula. Information will be presented regarding general school operating procedures, school lunch, school bus, etc. Refreshments will be available.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – new students and parents (grades 1-6)
Parents and children are invited to attend a meeting for new students and their families from 13:30 to approx. 16:00 in the Aula (auditorium) of the John-F-Kennedy School. We will discuss general school operating procedures and other important information, and you and your child will have an opportunity to meet his/her new homeroom teacher. Please make every effort to be present at this meeting. Refreshments will be available.

Please note that the Entrance Class has a separate orientation program that does not take place on Friday, August 17. Please see the letter you received for details on the first day of Entrance Class for your child.


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Contact JFKS during summer vacation: 2 July – 17 August, 2018

It’s summer vacation time at JFKS from 2 July – 17 August and during this time our offices will not be occupied. That does not mean, however, that we are not here to serve you.

Are you a new family joining the JFKS community in August? If so, then please click here: JFKS Digital Parent Handbook You can find all the information you will need while becoming acquainted with the school. We want you to feel welcome and happy at JFKS and in Berlin and look forward to meeting you!

If you are a new US Embassy family arriving in Berlin, and you need a school for your children, JFKS is the place to be. We offer a fully accredited American program set within the context of a bilingual, bicultural German-American school. Please contact Racso Cortinas at , for more information. Your children do receive priority in the admissions process and places have been reserved for them.


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Presserklärung zu einem antisemitischen Vorfall

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Response to recent anti-Semitic incident

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Dear parents,

The school administrators have decided that today (Thursday, May 31) and tomorrow (Friday, June 1) all Elementary School students are dismissed at 13:20. The temperature in some classrooms is unbearable during these unually  hot days.
Please inform your child’s homeroom teacher by 12:20 via email if your child can be dismissed to go home. Otherwise, they will be supervised until the end of their normal school day as follows. 
  • EC, Grade 1 and 2: Dismissal as usual at 13:20 (Hort and Late Birds as usual)
  • Grade 3 and 4: Dismissal at 13:20
If homeroom teacher receives message from parent, the student is dismissed to go home.  ***   3b (Ms. Beebe) – Please send messages to Fr. Rescher srescher@jfksberlin.org since Ms. Beebe is out sick today
Otherwise supervision in room R114 (Grade 3) and R262 (Grade 4) until 14:10. You are welcome to pick up your child from the rooms before 14:10!
Hort kids go to Hort at 13:20.
Late Birds kids go to Late Birds at 13:20.
  • Grade 5 and 6: Dismissal at 13:20
If homeroom teacher receives message, the student is dismissed to go home.  *** 6b (Fr. Saupe) – Please send messages to Fr. Korth  since Fr. Saupe is out sick today
Otherwise supervision in room R235 (Grade 5) and R108 (Grade 6) until 15:00.  You are welcome to pick up your child from the rooms before 15:00!
Hort kids go to Hort at 13:20
Late Birds kids go to Late Birds at 13:20.

Liebe Eltern,

die Schulleitung hat beschlossen, dass heute (Donnerstag, 31.5.) und morgen (Freitag, 1.6.) die Grundschule bereits um 13:20 Schulschluss hat. Die Temperaturen in manchen Klassenräumen sind gerade am Nachmittag ungewöhnlich hoch.
Bitte informieren Sie den/die Klassenlehrer/in Ihres Kindes bis 12:20 per Email, ob ihr Kind um 13:20 alleine nach Hause gehen darf. Ansonsten, werden alle Schüler wie folgt beaufsichtigt:
  • EC, 1. Klasse und 2. Klasse: Schulschluss wie gewohnt um 13:20 (Hort und Late Birds wie gewohnt)
  • Grade 3 and 4:  Schulschluss um 13:20

Erhält der/die Klassenlehrer/in eine Email der Eltern, darf der/die Schüler/in um 13:20 nach Hause gehen. ***   3b (Ms. Beebe) – Bitte Emails an Fr. Rescher srescher@jfksberlin.org, da Ms. Beebe heute krank ist!

Ansonsten Beaufsichtigung in R114 (3. Klasse) und R262 (4. Klasse) bis 14:10. Sie können ihr Kind von hier gerne persönlich vor 14:10 abholen!
Hortkinder gehen zum Hort um 13:20.
Late Birds-Kinder gehen zu Late Birds um 13:20.
  • Grade 5 and 6: Dismissal at 13:20

Erhält der/die Klassenlehrer/in eine Email der Eltern, darf der/die Schüler/in um 13:20 nach Hause gehen. ***   6b (Fr. Saupe) – Bitte Emails an Fr. Korth  , da Fr. Saupe heute krank ist!

Ansonsten Beaufsichtigung in R235 (5. Klasse) und R108 (6. Klasse) bis 15:00.  Sie können ihr Kind von hier gerne persönlich vor 15:00 abholen!
Hortkinder gehen zum Hort um 13:20.
Late Birds-Kinder gehen zu Late Birds um 13:20.
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Garden Day at JFKS – April 20

Liebe JFKS Eltern, Schüler, Lehrer und Schulleiter,

wie viele von Ihnen/Euch wissen, steht unser „Garden Day“ vor der Tür! Am Freitag den 20. April starten wir gemeinsam mit hoffentlich vielen von Euch um 14 Uhr.

Wir brauchen jede helfende Hand! Auch Kinder und Verwandte sind herzlich Willkommen!

Da wir nicht allzu viele Gartengeräte haben, freuen wir uns, wenn jeder sein Lieblings-Gerät und eventuell auch Handschuhe von zu Hause mitbringen könnte.

Es wird Würstchen vom Grill geben, kalte Getränke und Kuchen.

Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Helfer!

Euer GEV-Vorstand


Dear JFKS Parents, Students, Teachers, and Principals,

We are happy to announce our all-campus Garden Day, which will taking place on Friday, April 20th, beginning at 2 p.m. We need as many hands as possible! Please DO bring your children and other family members along!

Please bring your favorite gardening tools and gloves from home. Sausages will be on the grill, drinks cold, and cake plentiful!

Let´s get together and do something amazing for our childrens‘ second home. We can’t wait to see you there!

Your PCB

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Children’s Flea Market at JFKS – May 27

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8th grade ski trip – Arrival Update: March 16

16.3.2018, 14:30h

The buses are 280km away, estimated arrival time: 17:30-18:00h.



The ski trip is nearing its conclusion, but not before some major excitement to wrap up the two-week experience. Last night witnessed the crowning of Mr. and Mrs. Ski Trip 2018 after a lively competition of various zany events for both the boys and girls. Earlier today, the students had the opportunity to join their friends in groups to ski the top of the mountain while the teachers supervised from various points on the slopes. We had lunch on the slopes, various groups gave rousing renditions of their group cheers, and we departed Hochfuegen for the last time. Back at the hotel, students relaxed a bit and selected songs for tonight’s final dance before attending to their suitcases and room cleaning. To be dismissed for dinner, students had to pass a final room inspection. Their reward? Kaiserschmarrn for dessert! (You might want to try that at home!)

Anticipated arrival for Friday is between 17 and 18 pm. While both students and teachers will be relieved to be reunited with their respective families, we also return with memories of a very fulfilling trip and great advancement on the slopes, and for that the students showed their appreciation with a resounding applause for Herr Mueller after the evening announcements. We hope your children have grown in many ways as a result of their experience here in Zillertal!

Chad Felt


We’re halfway through the ski adventure, and the learning (and fun) continues!

Since the last report the students have had to contest with heavy snow and low visibility on their last day of the first rotation, but the second groupings started with clear skies while the temperatures have remained low enough for relatively good conditions for all groups. By now everyone has witnessed the athleticism and talent of our top-tier skiers, but as a teacher there is nothing better than to witness the rapid advancement of those who are just learning the sport on this trip. Everyone who is allowed to ski (barring pre-trip injuries) has now experienced the lifts at Hochfuegen, but many beginner students have already skied multiple lifts, including blue and red slopes (Pisten). Your kids are amazing learners. Furthermore, their engagement and positive approach has marked them as cultured young ladies and gentlemen. They are increasingly helpful and polite as they get to know and respect the teaching team and each other.

Back at Hotel Eberleiten, the students have presented a variety of evening activities including JFK’s Top Model, a Dance contest, speed-dating and the always popular Music Night with Mr. Weiss. If tonight’s second dance party is anything like the first, the students will once again come bounding up from the activity room giggling, full of enthusiasm and the latest gossip of who danced with whom! While it’s true that a handful of the children have missed a day or two of skiing due to colds or a fever, our medical team reports that the illness situation is typical and even lighter than usual for the trip. On our second ski-free day Monday, students will enjoy their choice of shopping, swimming or hiking before we head down the homestretch. Yes, in no time your darlings will be reunited with you – with many stories to tell. Looks like snow is in the forecast for our final days of skiing – nothing like skiing in fresh snow!

With warm regards from Austria,

Chad Felt



The 2018 JFKS Ski Trip group arrived at their destination just as the sun was beginning to set over a picturesque Austrian mountainscape, where, despite some initial minor issues mostly – attributed to expected 8th grade enthusiasm – the function enjoyed an auspicious start. The students, are not only learning, but experiencing important lessons. Off the slopes, these lessons range from simple table manners and organization to more impactful lessons in community and team building, examples of which were the first of the night-time programs, JFKS’ Next Top Model, put on by class 8a, was resounding success, and 8b organized a fantastic and exciting game of Jeopardy. On the slopes, our beginners, many of whom are experiencing the sport for the first time, are coming along quickly, and by the second day a large portion were already on the lifts – no mean feat. Our advanced group, after having an opportunity to demonstrate their respective abilities, continue to hone their skills and to come into their own as skiers. Overall, the students, when they are not exhausted or asleep on the bus during the trip back from the mountain, are thoroughly enjoying their time here. More news in the days to come!

Bryan Davis


Buses arrived safely at 18:20h.

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Today, January 18 – all classes and after-school activities after 15:00 are canceled

Due to the severe weather warning for Berlin this afternoon and evening, all classes and after-school activities after 15:00 are canceled. 
If your child is in Hort or Late Birds, please pick up your child in a timely manner. Hort will not be sending your child to any other activity, if applicable. 
Elementary School Students of after-school activities will be supervised in the ES Office until they are picked up. 
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