Badminton Bundesfinale „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“

Badminton Bundesfinale 2016

Badminton Bundesfinale 2016

Henri Ariane Rebecca S.Kaiser Serafina Oskar Caelin Rosalia Laszlo
Unsere Berliner Meister im Badminton WKIII, die das Land Berlin im Bundesfinale „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“ 2016 vertreten haben.
Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, als einzige Schule ganz ohne Vereins- oder (inter)nationale Ranglisten Spieler zwei Bundesländer (Saarland und Bremen) besiegt zu haben!
Coach Simone Kaiser
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AMIS Honor Choir in Luxembourg in March

Some of our students (together with Dr. Curtis) had a great experience with the AMIS (Association of Music in International Schools) Honor Choir in Luxembourg in early March.

AMIS Honor Choir 2016

AMIS Honor Choir 2016

Abigail D., Madeleine K., Isaac D., Maya L., Antonia B., Emily H., Nadine S., Clara M., Sophia R.

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Vattenfall Cross Country Berlin Finals – JFKS students successful

Here are the results from the Berlin Finals which took place on Saturday, April 16 at the Olympic Horse Riding Stadium and Maifeld.

Congratulations and thank you to all participants for an excellent job!


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6th Grade Reading Competition – JFKS student wins in Steglitz-Zehlendorf

We are very proud to announce that the best reader out of the whole district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf is a 6th grader from our school:

Matilda Ontrop from class 6B won the district`s finals yesterday at the „Vorlesewettbewerb“ against 11 other finalists.
She will now represent the district -and our school of course – at the big Berlin finals on 11 May. We wish her good luck for that and will keep our fingers crossed.
Vorlesewettbewerb1 Vorlesewettbewerb2 Vorlesewettbewerb3
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JFKS Fine Arts Show on May 12 / Save the date!


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April 28: Early Dismissal at 11.30h for Elementary and High School

Message from the JFKS Administration / April 28: Dismissal at 11.30h

On Thursday, April 28, we will be releasing students at 11:30 (after 4th period) in order to use the afternoon to work on the adoption of the new Berlin Curriculum with teachers and administration. As with other early release days, Hort and Late Birds will be open.

Am Donnerstag dem 28.4.2016 werden wir die ganze Schülerschaft um 11:30, d.h. nach der 4. Stunde, nach Hause schicken, um mit den Lehrern und der Schulleitung weiter an den Berliner Rahmenlehrplänen zu arbeiten. Wie an anderen Tagen der Frühentlassung (Zeugnisausgabe, Elternsprechtage) sind Hort und Late Birds offen.

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JFKS students win Berlin-wide „Jugend forscht“ competition

JFKS students Max Hentges and Leopold Aschenbrenner won the Berlin-wide „Jugend forscht“ competition with the best interdisciplinary project. They developped a system for the surveillance, warning and prediction of fine dust in Berlin. It measures the exposure in real-time through a comprehensive network of self-made sensors. Users can check the up-to-date results through a smartphone app; predictions and warnings can be sent through a notification service.

They will participate in the 51st „Jugend forscht“ German finals on May 26-29, 2016 in Paderborn.

Congratulations Max and Leopold!


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Känguru Math Competition / March 18, 2016

During first and second hour the high school students worked on the challenges of the Känguru Math Competition; during 5th and 6th hour the elementary school students followed. The problems were in English and German.

Foto (4)5th and 6th graders working on the Känguru Math Competition

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8th Grade Ski Trip 2016 – Update III

As our trip nears its end, we look back to the great memories we have shared over the past two weeks.  After some great skiing over the weekend, the students enjoyed another ski free day on Monday during which they chose between swimming, shopping, or hiking.  Then it was back to the slopes for another two full days of skiing.   Once again, the students experienced a variety of weather and snow conditions, including heavy snowfall and two beautiful sunny days.

skitrip 2016 upd 3

skitrip 2016

For our final day of skiing, the students went in their groups to the top of the mountain.  They „freely“ skied in groups of 3-5 students under the close supervision of the instructors.  On the last trek down the mountain, two lines of 25 advanced skiers lined the entrance to the beginner slope while a group of former beginners skied between.  Unplanned, in one of the nicer moments of the trip, an applause of clanging ski poles from the 50 onlookers encouraged them down for the last time.
After a group picture on the slopes, we enjoyed a sunny picnic lunch and then returned all of our rental equipment.  Our final afternoon was spent soaking in the mountain sun, packing, doing some last minute shopping, and enjoying each other’s company.
Skitrip 2016

Skitrip 2016

Thursday night will offer one final „party“.  Friday morning, the students will rise early to start the long drive back to Berlin.
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JFKS Gymnasts Win Gold in Berlin Gymnastics Competition

25-26 Feb 2016 — Congratulations to the JFKS Gymnastics teams. At the competition “ Turnwettkämpfe der Berliner Grundschulen 2016” they placed:

1st place (grades 4-6) — Ella D., Finley R., Cristina S., and Konstantin T. (Jonah R. was sick)
9th place (grades 1-3) — Francesca D., Mathilda K., Cecilia P., Nelly R., and Sara S.
14th place (grades 4-6) — Emily M., Helena K., Charlotte P., and Maya P. (Marla C. was sick)
18th place (grades 4-6) — Makeeba S., Kim S., Sophia P., and Chiara G. (June B. was sick)

With the flu going around, all JFKS teams but one were reduced in numbers. The remaining gymnasts  – beginners to advanced – were excited to be part of this Berlin-wide event, competing with about 200 boys and girls from over 20 Berlin elementary schools.
Thank you to the parents and coaches for their support and time!

Sport-Club JFKS Berlin e.V. / Gymnastics Division

IMG_0683 all P4 teams

The three Thursday teams: the 4th-6th graders with coaches Phillip and Ante
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