Internet at JFKS (week of 11.03.)

We are installing a new server on Monday. Consequently, we are expecting severe interruptions of data accessibility and internet connection throughout the week.

Please expect delays in email responses from teachers and staff. 


Wir werden am Montag einen neuen Server installieren. Daher erwarten wir im Laufe der Woche erhebliche Einschränkungen in Bezug auf Zugang zu Daten und Internetverbindung.

Bitte rechnen Sie mit Verzögerungen bei der Beantwortung von E-Mails durch Lehrer und Mitarbeiter.

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SKI TRIP 2024: Update #1

Just in case your children have been incommunicado since Sunday morning, we HAVE indeed arrived in beautiful Bruck am Zillertal. The fields are green, the sky was (at least for 36 hours) blue and, with any luck, your child’s shoes remained “cow-dung free” from the first evening’s evening hike through the narrow paths through the local farmer’s fields. We cannot claim 100% success in this regard, and if you know your own child to stray from the path on occasion, you may want to have some sanitizer on hand upon their return. (We are doing our best on this end!) In your children’s defense, it was dark and many phone batteries/flashlights had died during the 9+ hour ride down here. (Please note: for those of you awaiting the results of the poetry slam, rap battle, despite Bus #1’s preparedness with some potentially legendary lyrics, Mr. Lang’s Bus 2 (very suspiciously) has requested a postponement. Needless to say, we remain battle-ready.)

We actually arrived ahead of schedule and soon the excitement of new rooms, fun roommates and the stunning alpine scenery provided reason for exhilaration. A light dinner was served soon thereafter, topped off by Kaiserschmarrn (we are in Austria, after all!). The roar of the dining room chatter registered a familiar din to the teachers, similar to years past, with this year’s decibel reading the equivalent of a jackhammer-on-steel combination with Category 5 hurricane winds. Par for the course down here. (We should have measured the next night’s delivery of second helpings of Schnitzel, but it might have broken the device.)

We benefit now from pre-registration at our rental ski partners and, combined with patience of your children (really!), we were able to get in and out and onto the slopes relatively quickly for our advanced assessment and the onset of our beginner program. We have experienced an interesting problem this year: a host of fantastic advanced skiers. Coupled with a very athletic and motivated group of beginners, we’ve noted a lot of happy faces on the slopes. Perfection? On the horizon. (Is it ok if I wear two left-handed gloves?” “ I don’t understand why I need to learn how to fall.” “Could you teach me how to put on snow pants?” etc.) 

The bus rides to and from the ski area provide some of the best (and most memorable) social interactions – thank the absence of cell phones! One example: “I just want to have two kids, but before that I want to be financially independent.” (Never too early?!) 

Just today, I enjoyed a charming discussion today with a student, discovering that her nannies in Rome years ago turned out to be two former favorite JFKS students of mine! (A classic “small world” moment in the big world of JFKS connections.)

It is also true that your kids have received various compliments on their behavior, whether from our daily ski bus drivers or the staff at the rental facility, and that’s really rewarding for all of us chaperones and hopefully for the parents as well. 

We’re on the verge of the first ski-free day – right after the first dance party!  

-Mr. Felt


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Dear Parents,

Unless an agreement is reached quickly, there will be another train strike from Thursday morning, March 7 (02:00) through Friday afternoon, March 8 (13:00) which will affect the S-Bahn and regional trains in Berlin. The BVG (busses, trams and U-Bahn) will not be affected.

Any delays on Thursday due to the strike or increased traffic will be excused by the homeroom teacher, however, please be sure to plan accordingly and leave extra early. Thank you for planning ahead!

Friday is a school holiday for International Women’s Day! 


Liebe Eltern,

Wenn es nicht noch vorzeitig zu einer Einigung kommt, wird es von Donnerstagmorgen (07.03., 02:00 Uhr) bis Freitagnachmittag (08.03., 13:00 Uhr) einen Bahnstreik geben, der die S-Bahnen und Regionalzüge in Berlin betrifft. Die BVG (Busse, Straßenbahnen und U-Bahnen) werden nicht betroffen sein.

Verspätungen am Donnerstag aufgrund des Streiks oder des erhöhten Verkehrsaufkommens werden von der Klassenleitung entschuldigt, wir bitten alle Familien allerdings entsprechend zu planen und früh aus dem Haus zu gehen! Vielen Dank für Ihre Vorausplanung!

Freitag ist ein Feiertag: Internationaler Frauentag!

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HS: AMIS High School Honor Choir Festival – Review and Video Link

Congratulations to Dr. Curtis and the 17 students who participated in the AMIS HS Honor Choir Festival in Paris.

In case you missed the live stream of the concert on Saturday, March 2, you can watch the video here

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SKI TRIP: We arrived!

The 8th graders and accompanying teachers have arrived at their destination! 

Check the school website (in the newsfeed) for more updates in the next two weeks. 

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Einladung: Theater gkds12 (06. + 07.03.)

Es ist wieder soweit, das Semester (und die Schulzeit) für unsere Abi-12er neigt sich dem Ende. Der gkDS12 führt sein Abschlussprojekt auf: „Jedermann – vom Leben und Sterben des reichen Mannes“. Eine Tragikomödie nach Hugo von Hofmannsthal. 6.+7. März. 19:00 Uhr, kleine Aula.

Alle weiteren Infos siehe Einladung unten. Karten nur an der Abendkasse. Sprache und Inhalte könnten für kleine Kinder ungeeignet sein. 

Mit theatralen Grüßen

i.A. gkds12

Hr. Martens, HS Drama

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Congrats, Gymnastics Team!

The student athletes who competed at the Jugend Trainiert für Olympia and Paralympics gymnastics competition this week were outstanding! They fought through their nerves, competed new skills, and are already excited for next year! 

Boys Team: 1st place

Girls Teams: 5th, 7th and 8th place



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Congrats, ES Basketball Teams!

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HS: AMIS High School Honor Choir Festival (02.03.)

We invite you to join us in watching the live performance of the concert at the AMIS High School Honor Choir Festival at the American School of Paris on Saturday, March 2 at 19:00 CET.

17 JFKS students who traveled with Dr. Curtis to Paris will be singing. 

Click here for the link to the livestream. 


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Black History Month

Today marks the last week of Black History Month. Although the month is over, we should never stop learning about Black history. One month will never be enough to fully explore Black history, let alone learn about and honor Black leaders. But we encourage you all to use the rest of this month to dig into history and the present and reflect on where your own powers and privileges intersect and interlock. 

IDEAS challenges our school community to use this opportunity to learn about Black leaders in both German & American histories to further cultivate empathy and accountability with these histories, and to participate in conversations that can make our communities more dynamic. 

Below are some resources we endorse that we want to share as Black History Month winds down. 


Get familiar and educate yourself about…


“It doesn’t matter how strong your opinions are. If you don’t use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.” – Coretta Scott King


“You always seek to control others when you are not in full ownership of yourself.”- Cicely TysonJust as I Am


“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” – Zora Neale Hurston 


“You’ve never lived till you’ve flown!” – Bessie Coleman


“Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread, and deep-seated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.”

– Shirley Chisolm 

– Further Reading


“Authors do not supply imaginations, they expect their readers to have their own, and to use it”- Nella Larsen

So if you are wondering what YOU can do for BHM, there is a little something you can do every day this week!
Have a great week, JFKS!
Follow us on Instagram 
Support IDEAS here
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