Livestream: Domkonzert on Nov. 30

The John F. Kennedy School, along with the American Church in Berlin and the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) will present a service of Advent and Christmas music at the Dom on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 19.00 (Berlin time).
Featured will be the Choirs and Orchestra of the John F. Kennedy School under the direction of Mrs. Jaques and Dr. Curtis.
We hope to „see“ you there. In addition to the livestream, the program will be available for viewing for 1 week after the event (through December 7). 
Links to the livestream: 
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Congratulations, Bear-a-cudas!

Congratulations to the JFKS Swim Club, the Bear-a-cudas, for their outstanding performance in last weekend’s EFSL Long Distance Championship meet in Lignano, Italy!

While most of us were recovering from Thanksgiving dinner, our swimmers were in the pool with 17 other teams from across Europe, swimming hard and fast, and bringing home a number of ribbons and medals!

Congratulations to all participants!

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Lacrosse at JFKS

Three countries, ten clubs, 19 teams, and one motivated and enthusiastic school: In October 2022 the SC JFKS Rams were proud to represent the John-F-Kennedy School with our U14 boys team at the annual Scheider Cup in Frankfurt am Main, and with it a sport that still is an integral part of the Native Americans’ and North American history and culture.
Lacrosse is one of the world’s oldest team sports. It was created in the 1100s by Native American tribes based in the northeast and plain states of present-day Canada and the USA. The original version of lacrosse involved hundreds of players, sometimes over days and territories that were miles long. These very physical games were played by the Native American tribes for a variety of reasons, including settling tribal disputes, fitness, recreation, and religious reasons among others. Since it was such a tough game the Six Nations Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy called it „Baggataway – The little brother of war“. They also referred to it as the medicine game for its healing powers, as well as the Creator’s game. The name “La Crosse” came from a French missionary, Jean de Brébeuf, who watched a game by the Iroquois in the 1630s. He thought the stick they used looked much like a hooked bishop’s staff, or a crosier – a cross.
From as early as the 1800s, Lacrosse started to be played at Canadian colleges and universities in the northeast United States. It was an Olympic sport, in 1904 and 1908, and it is planned to return to the Olympics in 2028!
Lacrosse is fun to play, fun to watch, and is quickly blossoming into the fastest growing sport on Earth. 79 Nations, including the Haudenosaunee (How-den-oh-shaw-nee: the national team of the Iroquois nations), play the sport and have built leagues in their countries – each currently teaching and training lacrosse players of all ages. In Germany, Lacrosse has been played since the early Nineties.
We, the John-F-Kennedy School in Berlin, as a German-American school, are proud to teach teams not only the sport of Lacrosse itself, but also its history. Our vision is to build a program for all ages that can be sustained for years to come with the chance to let little players grow from Entrance Class up to high school and enjoy the game.
Our goal is to have fun, to let the players run wild on the field and challenge themselves, to learn from each other, build friendships, and build a community. We travel Germany playing against other young teams – like we did at the Scheider Cup in October! – and we are very much looking forward to the Scheider Cup 2023 – maybe with you?!
Join the girls and boys Lacrosse teams of the SC JFKS Rams!
More info at
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BERMUN XXXI – Nov. 16-19

Click on the images for more information.

BERMUN Conference Program

Wednesday, Nov. 16 – Saturday, Nov. 19

Join us via livestream for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies:

Opening Ceremony Livestream (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin)

Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 13:00 CET

Keynote Speakers:

US Ambassador Dr. Amy Gutmann

Rafael Grossi , Director General of the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA)

Youth Assembly Opening Ceremony Livestream (Latvian Embassy, Berlin)

Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 13:30 CET

Welcome Address: Alda Vanaga, Latvian Ambassador and Didzis Stāvausis, Economic Policy Diplomat

Keynote Speaker: Rasma Pīpiķe, Diversity Management Expert, Founder of Civic Alliance-Latvia

Closing Ceremony Livestream

Saturday, Nov. 19 at 14:00 CET

Visit our website for more information.

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Tickets on Sale – Musical: Legally Blonde

Tickets for our upcoming musical „LEGALLY BLONDE“ will go on sale on November 15.  Click here or on the logo to access the ticket reservation form. 
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Das Schul-Bulletin für November wurde an alle Eltern per E-Mail an die uns vorliegenden Adressen verschickt. Falls Sie die Nachricht und den Anhang nicht erhalten haben und in die Verteilerliste aufgenommen werden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Sekretärinnen unter:


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BAUPILOTEN: JFKS Building Project

*English translation below*

Partizipationsprozess / Phase 0 für die anstehenden Baumaßnahmen

Liebe Schulgemeinschaft,

Es geht los!

Die Gebäude der John-F.-Kennedy-Schule sollen in den nächsten Jahren saniert und erweitert werden. Damit die Planungen auch den Bedarfen der Schulgemeinschaft entsprechen und die Schule fit für die Zukunft gemacht wird, findet in den kommenden Monaten ein Partizipationsprozess, eine sogenannte Phase 0 statt.

Dieser Prozess, in dem alle relevanten Gruppen beteiligt werden, wird vom Architekturbüro die „Baupiloten“ ( konzipiert, begleitet und moderiert.

Der Prozess ist mehrstufig aufgebaut. In verschiedenen Werkstätten werden Vertreter*innen aus allen Teilen der Schulgemeinschaft und wichtigen Institutionen mitdenken, mitreden und mitgestalten.

Am Ende des Prozesses entsteht ein Funktions- und Nutzungskonzept, das die Bedarfe der JFK abbildet und Grundlage für die weiteren Planungen des planenden Architekturbüros ist.

Folgende Termine werden dazu stattfinden:

  • Schulbegehung und Schlüsselinterviews 12./13.10. fand bereits statt
  • Visionenwerkstatt Schüler*innen 14.11. (Die Eltern der betroffenen Schüler*innen erhalten noch eine gesonderte Mail.)
  • Visionenwerkstatt Erwachsene 15.11.
  • Werkstattgespräch 05.12.
  • Weiterdenkenwerkstatt 13.12.
  • Ergebniskonferenz (Datum folgt)

Wir freuen uns auf die kommenden Wochen und kreative Ideen – im Sinne eines guten Weges in die Zukunft der JFKS!


Participation process / Phase 0 for the upcoming construction measures

Dear School Community,

Here we go!

The buildings of the John F. Kennedy School are to be renovated and expanded in the next few years. To ensure that the planning also meets the needs of the school community and that the school is made fit for the future, a participation process, a so-called Phase 0, will take place in the coming months.

This process, in which all relevant groups will be involved, will be designed, accompanied and moderated by the architectural firm „Baupiloten“ (

The process is structured in several stages. In various workshops, representatives from all parts of the school community and important institutions will participate in thinking, speaking and designing.

At the end of the process, a functional and utilization concept will be developed that reflects the needs of the JFK and forms the basis for further planning by the architects.

The following dates will take place for this purpose:

  • School inspection and key interviews 12./13.10., already took place.
  • Vision workshop students 14.11. (The parents of the affected students will receive a separate mail.)
  • Vision workshop adults 15.11.
  • Workshop discussion 05.12.
  • Further thinking workshop 13.12.
  • Results conference (date to follow)

We are looking forward to the coming weeks and creative ideas – on a positive way forward into the future of JFKS!

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HS: Parent-Teacher-Conferences (8.11.+14.11.)

Invitations and instruction on how to sign up for the upcoming parent-teacher-conferences (November 8 and 14) were sent out to all HS parents via email today.

Click here to read the letter

All conferences will be held via Google Meet or telephone. No in-person conferences will be offered. Due to privacy concerns, conferences will not and should not be recorded. All parents are welcome, however we ask that conference times be reserved for students who are struggling academically.

Sign-ups will be available ONLINE ONLY:

Sign-ups will be available at from November 1 (6am) until November 13 (11:55pm).

Reminder: 7-12 students will be dismissed at 13:05 on this day.

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You can also download the copy in the password-protected PARENTS section of the website. Contact the secretaries for the password.


Das Schul-Bulletin für Oktober wurde an alle Eltern per E-Mail an die uns vorliegenden Adressen verschickt. Falls Sie die Nachricht und den Anhang nicht erhalten haben und in die Verteilerliste aufgenommen werden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Sekretärinnen unter:


Sie können das Bulletin auch im passwortgeschützten ELTERN-Bereich der Website herunterladen. Wenden Sie sich an die Sekretariate, um das Passwort zu erhalten.

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3rd Place – Congratulations!

Congratulations to the JFKS Girls Tennis Team for winning 3rd place in the German Championship (Bundesfinale „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“) last week.
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