Blog Archives

JFKS partnership with the Anne Frank Zentrum Berlin

On Friday, March 13th, the JFKS and the Anne Frank Zentrum in Berlin celebrated the signing of a partnership between the center and the JFKS 6th grade religion classes. The Anne Frank Zentrum is a partner organization of the Anne Frank House

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10th Grade Music: Workshop in Carnatic Vocal music with visiting artist Manickam Yogeswaran

10th Grade Music: Workshop in Carnatic Vocal music with visiting artist Manickam Yogeswaran – selected class periods in February and March, performance on March 27.  

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8B and 8C Music Classes Present Musical Creations

Ms. Cook’s project assignment was general, broad, even vague:Create something musical that has never existed –(and teach yourself something about one of the topics on our 8th grade music syllabus).Here you find more of the students‘ creations: 8B and 8C

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Odyssey of the Mind German Finals – Congratulations to all JFKS Teams!

Congratulations to our eight teams who participated in the German Finals at JFKS on Saturday! Wonderful atmosphere, incredible creativity, great performances! Between its eight teams (4 from the elementary school, 4 from the high school), JFKS won: 3x1st place, 2x2nd

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Odyssey of the Mind / German Finals at JFKS

The German Finals of ODYSSEY OF THE MIND take place on Saturday, February 28 at JFKS. Eight teams from the elementary and high school participate this year – please come and support them! More information about Odyssey of the Mind

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Berliner Meistertitel im Badminton WK II

Wir gratulieren Valerie, Feline, Robin, Viktoria, Richard, Kailey, Kai, Caelin und Carlo herzlich zum Berliner Meistertitel im Badminton WK II und zum damit verbundenen Einzug ins Bundesfinale 2015! Diese Leistung ist umso mehr hervorzuheben, als dass unsere Mannschaft ohne Nr. 1

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JFKS Gymnasts Win Gold Medal in Berlin Gymnastics Competition

17 Feb 2015 — Fifteen students competed in the gymnastics competition “ Turnwettkampf der Berliner Schulen 2015”at the Sporthalle Schöneberg on Fasching Tuesday. They were excited to be part of this Berlin-wide event with over 150 gymnasts participating from 16 Berlin elementary schools.Here are the results of the three

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JFKS National Honor Society Benefit Concert 26 Feb 2015

Join us for  the JFKS National Honor Society’s annual benefit concert. All proceeds will go to the Tagbilaran Elementary School in Bohol, Philippines, which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan and a subsequent earthquake.  This concert is part of a larger JFKS

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Shakespeare Rocks – 5/6th grade musical

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JFKS table tennis teams at Berlin-wide school competition „Jugend trainiert für Olympia”

JFKS sent two teams to compete in “Jugend trainiert für Olympia”. The boys of 11th grade (WK III) got hard opponents and finished up in eighth place without winning a match. The younger boys of 8th grade (WK II) won

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