Blog Archives

8th grade Ski Trip – students and teachers arrived in Bruck/Austria yesterday 6 p.m.

On Sunday, 6 March 2016 at 6 p.m. the buses arrived in Bruck am Ziller in Austria. More news will follow.

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Congratulations to our Badminton Team WK III

Congratulations to our Badminton Team WK III – they won the Berlin Championships and are now going to represent the state of Berlin at the Bundesfinale in April! Caelin, Henry, Rosalia, Laszlo, Oskar Anna, Serafina, Feline, Rebecca

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„A Legacy: JFKS Music“ – An Alumni Concert / Thursday, February 18 – 7.30pm, Large Aula

On Thursday, February 18th, 2016 the JFKS Alumni Association and the JFKS Music Department will proudly present “A Legacy: JFKS Music”, an alumni concert. The nostalgic, talent-packed musical celebration will take place in the Large Aula at 7:30 p.m. and

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The JFKS Traffic Committee / Keep our students safe! Please read…

At the beginning of this school year a new JFKS Traffic Comittee was formed to address the traffic situtaion during drop-off and pick-up. The comittee conducted detailed research and has now put together a document supporting safe driving: JFKSTrafficComittee Thank you

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„Sleepy Hollow“ / „Things that go Bump in the night“

Congratulations and a big thank you to the students in grades 5-8 who took part in the musical performances last weekend and especially to Ms Cook for her wonderful work with them!  

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New Haywire Issue Published

Enjoy reading the new issue:

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JFKS 6th Grade German Reading Competition

Heute fand in der Bücherei das große Schulfinale des Vorlesewettbewerbes statt. Es gab 6 Finalisten aus den 6. Klassen. Teilgenommen haben alle D1, D11 und D2- Klassen. Es gab in der 1. Runde wunderschöne eigene Beiträge, vom Klassiker zum brandneuen

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Domkonzert last Wednesday – once more a great event!

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First Place in Berlin for JFKS Mixed Double Tennis team

In the Doubles Tennis Tournament for all Berlin elementary schools our JFKS-Mixed Team WK IV won 1st Place citywide! Congratulations to:                      Viktoria  Carlotta  Louisa  Luna  Lukas  Gunter      

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Security Message from the JFKS Administration / the US Embassy

The JFKS Administration would like to reassure the community that evacuation and lock down procedures are fully in place for the staff and students of the school. It is not in our own interest to publicize all of the details

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