
The Educational Directorate (ED) plays a strategic role in school matters. It is a guarantor of the school’s profile and mission. The ED is a unique committee within the Berlin public school system. Its duties and composition are stipulated in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the JFK School Law (in German).

Whereas the School Conference mostly deals with internal school issues, the central responsibility of the ED is to guarantee the particular binational and bicultural character of the JFKS as a German-American school which incorporates both school systems within its structures. For more information on the ED click here.

Minutes of ED Meetings:

# 427 # 428 # 429 # 430 # 431
# 432 # 433 # 434 # 435 # 436
# 437 # 439 # 440a (SK) # 440b # 441
# 442 # 443 # 444 # 445 # 446
# 447 # 448 # 449 # 450 # 451
# 452 # 453 # 454  # 455  # 456

ED Resolutions

